I Love You Jordan


New member
I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your beautiful boy. Sending love and tons and tons of (((HUGS))).


New member
So sorry to hear this. Jordan will live on in your Heart and Mind. Every so often, you'll get that funny feeling that someone is watching you, that will be Jordan looking down on you from the Bridge, checking on you.


New member
My heart aches for you. Sadly we know the pain you feel. I'm so very sorry for your loss of your beloved Jordan. Rest well, sweet boy.

KS Newf

New member
I am so sorry. It is a tough contract we sign with our hearts with these furkids! In my beliefs he is with you now, and you will be with him again. Again, I am so sorry.


New member
Your loss of Jordan is heartbreaking. I am so sorry you couldn't be together longer, it's never long enough in any case. Think of him running pain free and befriended by our NN Newfs that have crossed before him. Thinking of you.