I got an ow-ie


New member
Yesterday I went in and had my knee surgery from when Riki knocked me over. apparantly they took out a lot of cartiledge and repaired some miniscus... I feel like a bus hit me. Thank God for pain killers:crazy:
Riki laid by my bed all day and just gave me that look:eek:..., so for now, it's bedrest and pain pills, no showers for a week (yuk). I feel grubby!


New member
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I have had two pretty bad injuries from my Newf, but none requiring surgery. What did the surgeon say when you told him HOW you got the injury? I do hope you get some rest and not let the pain get out of control. Take care.


New member
Reduce the pain meds as soon as you can..get a feeling for the tolerance for the pain..judge the amount..where is..how to 'move with the tissues/angulations possible'. One can reduce pain..simply by 'mentally dealing with it..thinking about it. A prime factor in dealing with pain..is out thinking it..when you know how it feels..the fear of feeling pain..diminishes..nicely. Rest..and heal, hugs, ina n HB n Kesa


New member
so sorry to hear you are laid up!! our pets sure know how to "give the look!!" hopefully you are up and around quickly!

KS Newf

New member
Sorry you are hurting. . . but glad you are healing! They really do know "the look," and I think they are BORN knowing it! Take care of you!!


New member
Glad to hear the surgery is over and you're back home. Take it easy, and remember to accept whatever meals you're presented with grace (some folks only know how to make soup from a can). :)


New member
Hope you are up and around soon. It would drive me crazy as well not being able to shower. Do you wear a cone on your head at night?? :devil:


New member
Ouch... (((U))) Try taking Rescue Remedy, too. I found some of my pain was from the anxiety & tension, not relaxing the area. Can't lose!