Home Depot, the movie..starring Bosco!!


New member
We wanted to start socializing Bosco. We didn't want to risk taking him places where he would be on the floor or there would be other dogs so Bosco went to Home Depot for the first time. Ty went with us and got all the attention until people would notice Bosco in the baby seat of the basket. You can see what a good boy he was in the video and then I also attached a few photos :)

Here is the video of him in the store (and a few seconds in the beginning of the snow in downtown Traverse City..it was pretty)

Where are we going mom??

Got my own ride and my own chauffeur

This employee asked what aisle they found me on, they want one

Heyyy, the ride stopped. It must be broken

Faster dad, let's lose mom and that camera

Bosco, what do you think of having your photo taken? Pffhhttt

Stopping again??

Everyone was sooo nice

See that lady in the green apron. She was serving hotdogs before and AFTER touching me Bwhahaha

edited to add:
I forgot to add Ty's photo. He was a such a good boy :)
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New member
Oh, how cute is he? Save that pic of him in the back of your vehicle for comparison in a couple of years!
Merry Christmas, cutie pie! :kiss: :kiss: What a sweet boy you are.


New member
What a great idea for getting the "too young to go just anywhere" puppy out and about ! Bosco is precious and Ty was so nicely behaved.


New member
Good boy, Bosco. The noises in that place didn't seem to bother you a bit. You, young fellow, are precious!


New member
Thanks everyone! They were both quite popular. Ty did bark once, which is very unusual for him. It took me and most of the other people around by surprise. I had no idea how much a deep Newf bark would echo in Home Depot :)


New member
I can't believe he fits in the seat!!! What a little cutie pie!
I was surprised he fit too!
Michigan must have fat babies?? :shocker: :roflmao::roflmao:

He is a small guy for his age, but he has put on 3 pounds in the last 10 days and is doing really well. He is just a little lighter than Ty was at the same age and Ty just had his weigh in yesterday.
He is 9 months today (Happy Birthday Ty!!)
and he is 104 pounds which is 2.66 pounds per weeks avg using 4.3 weeks per month.
Since they have mostly the same lines I am interested to see if they grow approx the same :heart:

Meg, Where are new photos of that adorable Rigsby?
I know I am hijacking my own thread...but I would love to see LOTS of new photos of him :)