Hermaphrodite Scare!!


New member
Zeppelin went in for surgery to be neutered. One testicle was in the sac and the other testicle had never descended. The proceedure was expected to take about an hour. We were waiting in the front office as we have special permission to be with him in recovery and to stay until he is discharged. Two hours into the surgery and we are escorted into the consultation room and told that he is still on the operating table but our vet would like to speak with us.

Apparently the undescended testicle is no where to be found but they did find some tissue that resembled an under developed uterus. She wanted our approval to keep him sedated and on the operating table for another 20 minutes because a specialist was on his way in to do a folloow-up appointment with another family and she wanted him to examine Zeppelin's abdomen. So we waited. It took the specialist about 30 minutes to find the testicle that had attached itself and was growing into the passage way that leads to the scrotal sac. The specialist dismissed the excess tissue as just that and ruled that my boy doesn't have any girl parts... he is 100% boy minus two testicles!!!!

Anyone ever hear of this happening before?


Active member
Wow! Never heard of that one before, but sounds like your vet was right on top of things. I'm sure there are hermaphrodites in the dog world, but glad your boy isn't one of them.

Here's to a speedy and uneventful recovery.


New member
Wow! Never heard of that before. So glad it wasn't the case with your boy and that he is recovering just fine.

Carole Macomber

New member
Wow, that is something to think about! Glad you don't have to buy a new wardrobe and redecorate his room.;) Hope Zeppelin is up and playing real soon.


New member
Good thing that they could get a specialist there pretty quickly. Hope your boy has a speedy recovery! :whistling:


New member
I think when it comes to un-descended testicles there are many vets that are seeing that for the first or second time. It must be oddly confusing. At least your vet was smart enough to call someone with more expertise to do what was best for your guy. Glad they found both, glad he doesn't have a uterus, and I hope he is healing well :)


New member
Thanks for your good wishes everyone!

Since no one is at the vet clinic over night, we got to take him home with Metacam, antibiotics and an emergency phone number. He was doing great; probably because he was still pretty groggy, but at about 1:00am things started kicking in with panting and restlessness and the huge bruising we were told to expect on his stomach area started to show itself. We were warned about the bruising because they had to do alot of tugging and pulling and 3 different people had a go on taking a look around to find the hidden testicle. I called to see if I could up the Metacam but was told he was on the maximum dosage allowed so they are going to give me a prescription for something else called Travadol (sp?) this morning which is just a pain reliever not an anti-inflamatory.

My little "man" seems to be doing alot better this morning, so I am hoping we won't need the additional pain meds after all.

And I am so freaking exhausted. I've been spending so much time lying and sitting on the ground...when did getting up off the ground require holding on to the counter for support and making strange groaning noises to get up and then walking like my grandmother!!!
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New member
"I think when it comes to un-descended testicles there are many vets that are seeing that for the first or second time. "

Nah, my vet has been practicing for quite some time but the 2nd testicle was past the "ring" and deeply down the passage and then had attached and hidden itself in the wall of the passage. Since undescended testicles also tend to be smaller than regular ones, and coupled with the challenge of working on a giant breed dog and regular sized hands; my vet and her partner did check the passage for the hidden testicle but neither of their fingers could reach all the way to the other end of the long passage; fortunately the specialist had longer fingers and was able to go through the passage more thoroughly and found it!
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New member
I have heard/seen pictures of two cases of true hermaphrodites, but they were both non-newfs. So it does happen, albeit rarely. Glad Zeppelin is doing relatively well after the surgery, and glad that the vet called in a specialist and didn't just close him up after not finding the second testicle.


New member
I used to have a dog Rusty (mix) when I was in my early teens. Rusty had "both" sets of "Equipment." Although non-functional. I guess He/She was just happy-go-lucky, and never did have a problem


New member
I don't doubt that it happens. Apparently there is a big genetic component involved.

I have to say also that the 2nd big surprise of the day was when I paid the bill. There was no extra charges for the additional 2 hours of operating time and extra anesthesia (sp?) and the specialist did not charge anything to assist since he was coming in to the office anyway. I know for a fact, as my daughter overheard some conversations while she was sitting in recovery with Zeppelin, that several non-essential appointments for the afternoon had to be cancelled and re-scheduled because Zeppelin's surgery took so long. Those clients were called and told that due to a medical crisis their appointment either had to be re-scheduled or they could see another vet who worked in the same office....apparently there were a few very vocally unhappy people even after they had to be reminded that if their pet needed additional medical attention that the same courtesy and consideration would be extended to them.

The lady whose pet was actually scheduled to see that specialist also had a a bit of a wait while he assisted my vet. When I told her what was happening she gave me a hug and told me not to worry because "her" surgeon was fantastic...and then she sat with me and happily and patiently waited through the delay! Some people get it and some people don't.


New member
Sounds like your vet is pretty awesome :) And don't worry about the fuss pots, there are a few in every crowd. I'm sure the office is used to dealing with that sort of person.


New member
Sounds like he was in good hands (figuratively and literally given what it took to find the hidden testicle!) Hugs to both of you as he gets back to his boyish self!


New member
Wow,that must have given you a turn! Angus had one very high in his abdomen and had a second incision to get it out, but all was well in the end. Glad your boy is ALL BOY too. Your vet sounds like a keeper.