Happy ninth birthday Capri :) !


New member
Happy ninth birthday Capri :) !

She is an International, Finnish, Swedish Champion, European veteran winner 2011, Belgian official lifeguard. She is the Start of our Newfoundland hobby, waterwork and breeding. She is a mother to four daughters, five sons, grandmother to six granddaughters and five grandsons. She has travelled with us to nineteen countries, competed in eleven countries, lived in three countries and in five homes. Hopefully Capri will continue to travel with us many, many more years :)!

Capri, the birthday cake and her daughter Ruuti (left):


New member
Congratulations Big 9 Grandma Capri! Woof Woot! May you and all your line be blessed with robust health and long happy life.


New member
Happy 9th Birthday! Our little boy is 1 today - if only he can accomplish one or two of the many feats Capri has - we would be proud!