Gypsy is back at the vet for retest


New member
I hope that everything comes back good this time. We have been giving her K3 chewables after her platelets and clotting factor were low last time. If all is ok they will spay her today. Of course we are under severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings, not the ideal day, go figure.
I got up early to bathe her since she was stinky. I got her showered in my hubby's bathroom and was taking her out to the deck to dry her when the sheet that I put down moved and I fell on my right elbow. I have been doing therapy on my right shoulder for tendonitis and bursitis. Now my elbow is swollen too. I guess maybe that is better than having the left arm injured too?!:oops:
Then when I got back home Max had let himself out of his crate and had separation diarrhea. Oh joy! I really do wish that I could start this day over. And of course I couldn't get Gypsy all the way dry either.:banghead:


New member
Thinking good thoughts for you and Gypsy. Hit rewind and start with no thunder, no boo-boo's and no poops. (((HUGS)))


New member
Thanks, I just got the call that she is out of surgery and sitting up looking around. I asked if she was giving them a hard time yet and she said no that she was still kinda out of it. I am supposed to call at 3 to see if she is ready to come home. Of course 3 is when the storms are supposed to really kick up but if I think the storms are going to get here earlier I will call and request her early.
My elbow is bruised and only slightly swollen and it still works so I will worry about it tomorrow. lol
What a relief that she tested well enough to get this done, now I hope that I can keep my hard-head calm for a quick and easy recovery. haha


New member
Well I got her home between the storms. I had the heat and defrost on in the front on low and the a/c full blast in the back for her. They gave her 2 pain pills before I got her and she was still up and at 'em when I got there. She is home and already had a small bm and in bed snoozing away.


New member
Glad the rest of your day was without incident and Gypsy is home! In my Grandmother's language...Sit down and take a load off, you deserve it!


New member
I find rum with a little splash of Coke (a-cola!) helps.

Glad she's doing well, and hope your elbow feels better.


New member
After I fed them supper and was awful by picking up Mcdonalds for my hubby and son I took a long mineral bath. Has to take some meds so no good drinks tonight. lol
I was wondering how I let Dr. Kay talk me into a Monday for the appointment and realized that it was because of the meds that she had to take for the low blood counts. Yes I did laugh because it was one of those mornings. ugh glad it is over and ready for bed tonight.


Super Moderator
What a day, glad she is home and doing well and give yourself and your elbow some TLC now.


New member
Congratulations on surviving an awful day & getting good news from the vet. My sympathy & empathy on your shoulder and elbow. I had bursitis once in my shoulder and it was AWFUL! Thank heavens for physical therapy. Take care of yourself as much as you can while you have a recuperating dog.


New member
Thanks, she did wonderful last night. This morning she was pulling on the leash ready to go potty and eat. I only gave her one tramadol last night and one this morning and that seems to be enough to keep her comfy. They had given her 2 at the vet's and she was still very vocal and I wonder if she wasn't hot and that is why she was fussy.
My elbow is only sore to touch today thank goodness! BUT my right side of my neck and shoulder are killing me lol. I was bad and put my therapy off for tomorrow until the next day. Ibuprofen for me today! You don't realize how much you need each body part to work until one is being difficult! I can actually deal better with my back going out since I've dealt with it since 1995 than I can not being able to use my right arm much! My house is suffering but hopefully it will get clean one of these days lol.
I saw on the news that there was 19 tornadoes yesterday. yuck


New member
I hope Gypsy and you both heal quickly and that Gypsy doesn't go too wild while she's supposed to be taking it easy.


New member
Glad to hear that Gypsy came through surgery so well.

Sorry that you took a tumble. Get your Physical Therapist (I used to call mine the physical terrorist...heard it somewhere and thought it was appropriate!) to take a look at your elbow. You might consider a trip to your doc, too, just to be sure you haven't cracked a bone or something.