Government's basic Role -longish


New member
Ah... the "balanced" code word - that's the one FOX news uses to mean "right wing." By that criteria the Huffington Post is most assuredly not "right wing." However, let's examine the content of the article before we paint the source as one wing or another eh?

The label of "bias" is kind of a cop-out. People have different views, they see things from different perspectives. It's a human condition, we are just people and enjoy the right to disagree.

I labored most of my life in "the private sector" as a worker so I am grateful for government regulations, eight hour days, five day weeks and time and a half for overtime. I know only too well how most of my employers in the "private sector" would have treated me without regulation and that would have been akin to how a master treats a slave in the interest of profit. Not what I would call socially responsible, but in the boss's mind quite alright, workers can easily be replaced. I'll take government regulation thank you...


New member
What do conservatives offer as a solution to the problem of diminished demand?

Also I'm curious where was all the concern on this board regarding deficits when Conservatives had control of Congress and the White House? Lectures from Republicans on deficits is quite entertaining when you consider a 250 billion+ lost surplus, 2 wars with costs nearing 800 billion, a medicare drug bill for 500 billion and two seperate trillion dollar tax cut of which 42% went to the top 1% of income earners. A short memory and brass balls-your modern Republican Party. Might explain the 11%/74% approval/disapproval for Congressional Republicans.
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New member
Hmmmmm.....I worked early in my life for the Government. The Feds. Left that for something more lucrative and with less red tape. Every single Govt branch/organization (all three of them) I worked for was incredibly wasteful, inefficient, and SLOW.

Then I worked in the University system. THEY treat you like a slave. No thanks. No income. Good benefits tho. It was run much like the Government....maybe because much time is spent on doing things to meet the Govt specs/regulations? And once again...the waste of money and precious time...due to Govt regs and absurd amounts of red tape. Teaching and research University hospitals must follow Govt regulations if they're to get research funding.

I finally woke up and went into the private sector. What a breath of fresh air. Things moved quickly and overall, efficiently. They exist to make a profit. They don't tolerate "slackers", and they reward achievement with salary and benefit increases. If you wanted to work in the industries I worked in, you could expect to work your "butt" off. No Monday - Friday, 9-5 job. I worked 60+ hrs a week...every week... with NO overtime. I was in Sales, then Management. Neither gets "overtime".

I did it because I wanted my children to have a good education, a nice neighborhood to live in, and the knowledge that they too would have a chance at furthering their educations, and bettering their lives. At least they would have a chance, and options. If I had stayed with either the Govt or the University system, their choices would be much more limited due to my lower (MUCH lower) income.

And, I did it because I LIKED it! I enjoy the competitiveness and the creativity of a free market. It's exhilirating, exciting, and fun. Neither working for the Govt nor Hopkins was any of those things.

Govt gave me nothing but boredom and an easy paycheck. It was demoralizing...and everyone I worked with just put in their 9-5 (or 8:30 - 4:30) and couldn't wait to get the "hell out of Dodge". There was no incentive to be fast, efficient, or excel. Everybody knew their job was set for life, as long as they showed up fairly routinely. The drudgery was depressing. I never met a Govt employee who LOVED their job. They all loved the "security" of the job tho.

For a time, I was a single parent. My children's future was up to me. Government pay wasn't going to do a thing for me except put ME in the poorhouse, and Hopkins wasn't much better. I couldn't use my creativity or abilities in a Govt system. The free-market system allowed me to do that, and to excel.

The label of "bias" is kind of a cop-out. People have different views, they see things from different perspectives. It's a human condition, we are just people and enjoy the right to disagree.
I agree. I used it in response to Mark's use of the word "unbiased".

Ah... the "balanced" code word - that's the one FOX news uses to mean "right wing."
And no..."balanced" is balanced. Balanced political news (both right, left and in the middle) is something I feel all media should strive for, and IMO, they're all falling short of that matter which media outlet to which we're referring.

And by the quote, I feel that you have the impression I'm "right" wing? I'm a fiscal conservative, yet I am not a social conservative. So I'm not very right wing. Or at least the right doesn't think so. I'm a moderate. One of those types that both the extreme right and the extreme left don't like much.

Mark...I think these things have been discussed, repeatedly, in other threads. If you honestly want me to revisit them, I will, but not tonight. It's late.
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New member
I left the private sector to go and volunteered to teach meditation in maximum security prisons and serve as a death row chaplain. I did that for about 16 years until I became disabled and could no longer work. I supported my kids, tried to be as kind and compassionate as I could, I just never had any motivation to accumulate wealth.


New member
Within..the extended family there have been men and 'work place' situations..where the exposure to ..lets just lump them as 'gov'..and again private sector..and more far-flung employments..and yet..from my childhood..and until they left go ahead..and those that remain alive here now..I did not hear of grinding..dissatisfaction..boredom..a feeling of being a machine. What I have taken away..from the people I have talked with..over these years, and my family and that there is a Key..within many..that permits them to roam free..see positives..and not be Ever..'backed into a corner'. That..was the power and beauty of a mind..that noted..problems/personalities/situational dificulties..but simply..looked beyond, around and tunneling under, over..for a healthy ..forward..motion. One of the joys of counseling for me..has been to be with those of any they percieve a 'caging' to themselves..and talk, to listen!..until They the Ah ha..moment...that their..perceptions..are..the problem..they..are..their own cage..and then their own key..through any lock. Are there people who flail and foment? Ah yes..most do..but..perhaps a family of man concept will the pace of an owl wing in flight..nudge one there..toward wiser perceptions..and thus..on to a healthier tomorrow. One needs gorilla boots..and secret grins.. ;) ina n HB n Kesa
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New member
Kobutsu- I don't know what part of the government you worked for but I can assure you the part I did had no compunctions at all about making it very clear that overtime was expected. Since they had no money to pay for it (which was less than my regular rate anyway) we were not allowed to record it, thereby keeping the record pristine looking while doing those things they would have hung private enterprise for doing. Mandatory 20 over every pay period for several years. But as one very astute supervisor remarked- "that's OK, you can do just as much work in 100 hours as you can in 80" Worked like a charm. An old college friend was a GS-15 for the Navy. When I talked to him one time shortly after I joined the govt he said he'd had a tough year but gotten rid of two GS-14s. When I asked how he had managed that he said- 40 hours a week doing my job, and 40 documenting what they weren't doing. IT SHOULD NOT BE LIKE THAT. Most times it isn't in the private world. Oh yes, we had no elevators to get to the second floor- they wouldn't have let private industry do that either- violations of Disabilities Act. My orthopedic surgeon couldn't believe it.


New member
I never worked for the government. I did work for a salary in the private sector and found myself being asked to put in extra hours, and then more extra hours... I watched my healthcare benefits get cut and weathered countless insults for speaking my mind.


New member
Sorry guess I misunderstood your post about overtime. I have had to work less overtime privately than I did for government but as someone who left govt and went private remarked- "At least I know who "they" are and where "out there" is. Believe me working for the govt, any govt I think, can be so frustrating if you want to get something done. Decisions take forever and sometimes never arrive, red tape is ridiculous and incompletency almost impossible to get rid of. I hate to think of paying for more of that and pay we will, all of us one way or the other.

As I said in the beginning for me, I only want governement to do those things I cannot do for myself or in conjunction with a voluntary group. Of the things ennumerated in the Consitiution I would even give up post offices and post roads. They don't HAVE to do what's in the Consitution, it's only that those are the delegated powers IF WE WISH THEM TO.

Wonder how many Americans have ever READ the Constitution as adults.


New member
It's interesting to read how everyone has arrived to where they are today. Each person has had different life experiences, leading them to a different place - and a different perspective of "life".

I'm not so sure that all who accumulate wealth actually start off thinking that's their goal. I know some do, but not all. Often times, it's just that they happen to be in the "right place at the right time" and have something that others desire. I've known people who loved what they were doing, created something unique and needed, and because of it, barrel loads of money came raining down upon them. They never started out with the slightest idea that their "creation" would result in great wealth.


New member
In your mentioned you would even give up the 'postoffice roads'. I just adore the ancient roads..and their history..even when 'under' new paving for part of the way. Sorry..I just 'lippt off'..ignore me. hugs, ina n HB n Kesa


New member
Actually we have here just outside of town the brick remnants of the Old Spanish Trail which ran from St. Augustine, FL. to CA. There are about 4 miles of it, roughly 20' wide which have not been destroyed or covered over by US 90. When we got here 35 years ago it was free game so we have 1 small section of about 6 bricks.