Government's basic Role -longish


Active member
Egyptian mummies do support this claim. Perhaps you mean the popular statues and other works of art more commonly shown don't support the claim. I suggest you look at some more statues and other works of art. And also read the works of scholars in the various sciences of archeology, linguistics etc. Serious scholars today no longer support the theory that Ancient Egypt was something other than Black African. From its founding, to its dynastic period, and largely black still at its decline. Its founding transplanted to the Nile river valley from the interior of Africa. You can start with the works of Keita. I will link to some images and provide some quotes from scholars later.


Active member
Julie, remember your vow? Stick to that okay. After giving this some thought, I think a discussion on this topic will bring the hateraid out in you in full force. Believe what you wanna. Or do further research. The choice is yours.


New member
Largo, when you speak about teaching black history in schools would you agree with the teaching that blacks at one time could "fly"? That was being taught in a couple of schools not too long ago. If they teach black history I feel it should be correct and not just teach whatever they want to make the black children feel "good" about themselves.


New member
Yikes- guess that one couldn't stay on topic long, oh well. A final thought at least from me. When I review the history I know (it obviously being impossible for ANYONE to know ALL OF IT) it seems to me that as time moves along various groups get their "moment in the sun". The various Chinese dynasties had theirs, so did the Mongols, the Greeks, the Persians, the Romans, the Easter Islanders, the Hawaiians etc. You all get the point I'm sure. For those who have not yet had their moment in the sun it will probably come. We happen to be living in the age where it is Western Civilization backed for security purposes by the US. At the moment that's the way it is. It will undoubtedly change and given the ebb and flow of freedom over history's course probably not for the best. I don't expect to be here and frankly I'm glad. We've been a great experiment in what mankind could do when politically free but we are signing it away willfully.


New member
Much as a feeling of Family of Man..seems a liberal is a 'named' promote an understanding that we are ALL threads of the human life..upon the planet earth. There is absolutely no 'static' viewpoint that can be 'pinpoint' the genetic any one time, nor supremisys(sp?) ;). Who..slept with whom, raped whom, married/lived with whom etc. flows through the caves/villages/tents and citidels of time. We ebb and we flow. The word not a concept for anything but understanding that we are a seamless life ALL our permutations. A use only by liberals? Of course not..for one like is a connecting viewpoint..a gathering of that we might move forward to heal a worlds ills..and..celebrate its strengths. Peopledom..breeds those who see and feel the family connections, and those who chose to retire into a compound of 'like centered'..for a feeling of safety..from whatever the 'others'..suggest to them..may be a danger to the status quo. Gated communitys help foster such feelings..and needs no physical 'gate' many are constructed..within certain mindsets, and they are and Iron. And then..whirling in the middle-ground..are all who have the infinate variety of a mixed view..some of this..some of that..and a blend..all their own..which is the seeding ground..for the realitys of 5 and 20 years..down the evolutionary grounds and trails. The more people that can be prised away from their lotto tickets, daytime telly, yellow journalism, romance novels, and casinos..the better for..the pool of thinking people..who look to understand..and help aid healthy actions..reduce lesswise..time uses. Educated thinking demands wise time-use..not abuse. ina n HB n Kesa


Active member
Largo, when you speak about teaching black history in schools would you agree with the teaching that blacks at one time could "fly"?
I'm going to pretend you didn't ask me that. And that you are not insulting my intelligence. Now if you've got something to contribute perhaps you can start over.


New member
Sigh..surely that 'comment'..was meant by the original poster to mean the exploits of the Tuskegee Airmen..and the history of their excellence. No sane human would believe any human can stand upon the ground and then leverage themselves above the ground for a quick swoop..around the yards. In every generation..a minute portion of humans believe and say..outrageous things..and those not impinge upon the rest of whatever group..they might be a part of. Not a good thing to promote sterotypes..pulled from a few individual warped mindsets. (Got a wood carver here in town..right now..this day..who is a gifted carver..but as was speaking to him in his shop one day, about 5 years ago..he started informing me that he and his sister and a group from Washington state and Idaho..poss. Montana..knew of a colony of aliens on the 'farside of' one of the planets. You have NEVER..EVER..seen such a "Oppsie..gotta go now" an inas life..let me..tell you!!! ) However..for those that believe it..there is still a solid group who believes there was no moon landing..and I think the Wednesday night group..holds seminars about the Flat Earth..jus sayin' ina n HB n Kesa


New member
Tuskeegee is only a couple of hours from us. Fascinating place but the town is in very poor shape. There is some discussion about a renewal which would be wonderful. Wish I could remember the designation (my husband knows) but there was a group of fighter pilots in WWII (black from Tuskeegee) who were the only fighter squadron that never lost a bomber under escort by them. Quite a commendation.


Active member we've gone from our government's role to Afrocentrism?
Afrocentrism? If by that you mean centered or focused on Africa or African peoples, especially in relation to historical or cultural influence. Then partly, but also a discussion of history in general. But somehow I doubt that's what you mean by Afrocentrism.

I don't think a discussion of black history specifically is a good idea here. I'll tell you why and yes, this will be an assumption. If the usual republican participants in the political threads participate in this one, it will go no where except maybe south, because of Eurocentrism, bigotry, racism and a narrow and limited view of actual world history that includes all of the world's people and not just as the 'down trodden primatives' needing civilizing by Europeans. I could be wrong, but that is what I think as many people in this country white, black or whatever other supposed race have very little knowledge of world history to begin with and there are many longstanding false beliefs about black African history. Some people in this country still believe that Europe brought civilization to Africa, that black Africans really have no history to speak of or that is worth speaking of, and contributed nothing to history. Certainly not anything to European peoples history. Now, I could be wrong about some of you. If I am my appologies. If I'm not, well your approval and belief are not neccessary for black African history to be worthy history or to be true history.



New member
Not directed at anyone in particular...just observation and venting a bit...for "health" benefits perhaps.

It's disheartening how the majority of these "political discussion" topics inevitably move to judgements, accusations, stereotyping (not only racial stereotyping) and name calling on both sides of the political aisle or perhaps "isle" might fit better. Seems it's human nature to plop a person or people into a labeled box. :shrug: Divisive and destructive, which negates the concept of "friendly debate". I read these threads with interest and a bit of an entertaining peek at human nature. Don't like what I see, but it is a bit of a political microcosm of the current mindset of this country and the world, so it piques my interest. I'm not surprised by the various reactionary responses either. It's human nature to defend and lash out when being challenged or contradicted, and reactions will very on that front. Still I'm not sure what purpose any of these threads are serving here, other than to stoke the political fires and blood pressures of the usual suspects. What used to be informative, is now becoming predictable...guess you might call that a judgement on my part.;)
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New member
...when people choose to come to the 'basement' and discuss hot topics, It is done for the purpose of sharing/gleening information. And an attempt to verbalize ones position and why...There is no need for anger or name calling. If one person states a position, you can just KNOW that someone has the opposite...see INA...who is very able to state an opposing position without calling someone names or passing out accusations. It is safe to assume that the people who choose to come here love a lively debate.....sometimes peoples attitudes are mis interpreted, because there is no intonation involved....Most people are willing to hear the other side, and if convinced will change a position...Personally, I came here thinking all Muslims were violent, but learned differently...thank you very much.. It is wrong to catogoriize groups of people.. All conservatives are not bigots...or liars...most are not... anymore than any other group of people..An opposing view does not mean a person is angry..I hope we can continue these worthwhile discussions, stay on subject, and have a situation that will help us all gain understanding....


New member
Not picking on you here Julie, just responding to your statement, as there are others that may agree with your statement, at least in part. Please read the following response in a light hearted and somewhat rhetorical tone. ;)

It is safe to assume that the people who choose to come here love a lively debate.....
A big assumption and not necessarily so. Started out that way perhaps, but the honeymoon has gotten boring. Most...not all....have fallen short of the term "debate"...healthy, lively or otherwise...point and counterpoint...talking point and rebuttal as it were. Most reponses and reactions from certain "debaters" end up predictable...a broken cog in the well greased gear. What I've read, at least from my secluded theatre seat here, has been little real evolution of thought or acceptance of opposing views at face value...that is, without internalizing and taking personal offense. That is not what gleaning and sharing information is about.

My take, and it could be all soggy socks, is that a larger majority...not necessarily those who come to these political threads as entertainment or to lob some rotten tidbit, disguised as a tasty morsel, up in the air to see in whose backyard it lands with a splat. ;)

Anyway...carry on...government's role...discuss....
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New member
Yuppers..'Open' exactly that..a place where those who have a lot of diff. views..collide..sometimes gently and sometimes more 'heavily'..with opp. versions of the area..under way/examination. It has..I think..been a good stream valve and allows those who frequent the area..much entertainment..some more than others. Does it also..generate hearty bouts of personal feelings/ betcha. I personally..have found it rewarding..but then..I may jus be..easily entertained.. ;) ina n HB n Kesa


New member
I often find it entertaining too. Not just the responses, but the emotion behind those responses, and the sometimes poorly hidden messages...or even the perceived hidden messages, when none were intended.

I tend to prefer this type of debate in person. Where you hear intonation, see expression, etc. Plus...people, in person, won't say things they'll say on the net, knowing it's not acceptable or is perhaps offensive to their "audience". I love sarcasm and dry wit....but it doesn't play well on the net. People can't hear the intent....where they can in person.

I think you get more insight into the "real" person, however, in this type of discussion...on the net. They're eye openers, for sure.

HOWEVER...Nancy is right. They do tend to go down the same ole boring path in very short order. Right now, this one is there, IMO.