Gizmo - tissue alert


New member
He was the first Newf I found on YouTube and I loved watching his videos over and over. What a magnificent and wonderful dog.


New member
Gizzy's videos are what tipped me over into committing to Newfdom. He has been my very favorite Newfie since 2007. Have been crying non-stop since yesterday. Jill was my next favorite, and it is hard having them both cross over so close together in time. I am sure the Rainbow Bridge has erupted in great rejoicing and partying at their arrivals! We left on earth are bereft of these two incredibly beautiful and sweet Newfies who exemplify the fantastic uniqueness of the breed. They will forever be with Cindy and Doug, and Ginny, bound in joy by eternal love, an unbreakable connection. I am looking forward to seeing Gizzy and Jill in heaven. Blessed to be able to look at pix and watch videos of them.


New member
Tissue alert, indeed. When I first heard, I headed here to see if it was announced yet. I loved Giz, I know we all did. Newfdom is a little less bright for a while.

What a wonderful, beautiful tribute to an amazing Ambassador of our breed.

Cindy and Doug, I am so sorry. And for Rico, too, gentle nose nuzzles at the loss of your friend. :cry:


New member
When I heard about this, I was so upset. I never go on Facebook anymore so I had no idea he wasn't doing well. He was truly an amazing Newf in every way. He was the very first Newf I fell in love with, and I followed his videos and pictures for years before I had my own Newf. He touched so many people thanks to Cindy and Doug sharing him with the world, and he will never be forgotten. Rest in Paradise Gizzy :angel:


New member
Sending giant (((HUGS))) to this beautiful boy's humans. He was so gorgeous, and the shots of him splayed and sacked out on the grooming tables are just amazing!


New member
Gizmo was the first newf I saw on the internet and the first Irish Spot I ever saw. Although I never met him personally I watched many videos and he inspired me to get my own Irish spot. So very sorry for their loss.


New member
He also helped us to make the decision to get a Newfie... During Drako's first days with us, everyone in our family asked how big he was going to be, I always showed them "Gizzy wrestles his Dad" and everyone would fall in love with Gizzy's gentle way to be.

To Gizzy: Thank you so much for showing us what we were missing in our lives! Certainly Newfies leave giant paw-prints in our hearts, but yours didn't have frontiers and left huge paw-prints in hearts that just watched you on a video. RIP Gizzy!