Eli's 2nd acupuncture appointment


New member
Eli feel asleep during his acupuncture treatment today! But the vet noticed he had feeling in his left front leg and was very pleased by that. Eli has been walking like Snuffleufagus from Sesame Street up until today. We get home from our appointment and he walks cleanly out of the van into the backyard and up the ramp (which we built for him this past weekend) onto the veranda and into the house WITHOUT assistance! Later he walks out onto the veranda, down the ramp and into the yard of his own accord, back up the ramp and lays on the veranda with the boys and enjoys the after rain coolness. Boy this acupuncture is remarkable, Eli even high wagged his tail today, this has not happened before, a slight wag at the bottom but never held high before, he is coming along so well we are thrilled. Next appointment Friday, hope to see even more improvement then. :groovy:


New member
I am so happy for you and your Eli! I have never used acupuncture, but it sounds like a wonderful way to go.