Early morning vomiting


New member
Yesterday morning at 4am I woke up to Scarlett making retching noises and saw that she had thrown up a small amount. She then hiccuped for 20 minutes. I figured it was just a fluke thing because she stopped and went back to sleep and then went the entire day with no other symptoms.
This morning at 4am the same thing happened. She sleeps on the floor in my bedroom and there is nothing there for her to eat. Does anyone have any ideas of what this could be or what I should do? I called the vet and they said if she has no symptoms now they do not see this as something I need to worry about.

Jager's Mom

New member
Maybe her tummy was empty...hungry? What time are you giving her the last feeding of the day? Maybe give a treat or two before you put her to bed...see if that holds her over.


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I agree with Victoria. My Roger used to do that at a young age. My vet suggested hunger or acid build up. He suggested giving him some extra treats at bedtime. It did work.


New member
Thanks, I will give her some treats before bed. She has not been finishing her dinner and I feed her at 5:00 so that could definitely be the answer.


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Update: I have been giving Scarlett a couple of small treats before bedtime and the vomiting has stopped. Thanks!


New member
Obstructions and partial obstructions present that way. If it starts back up, get her checked.


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Ginny is that just a routine thing my vet could easily check? I live in walking distance to the vet and I may just stop in there to be safe. Thanks.


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Not so easy...sometimes x-rays, barium swallows, preceded by a physical exam for discomfort.


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Since the vomiting has stopped should I still have her checked for parasites of a blockage? She is on heartworm preventative, would that prevent internal parasites?


New member
Since the vomiting has stopped with the addition of bedtime snacks, I would not think it necessary. If of course the vomiting restarts or she develops diarrhea or other symptoms then a checkup is in order.
The most common puppy parasites are coccidia and giardia. Many pups come home from the breeder carrying it. Since they are protozoa and not technically "worms" regular heartworm prevention will not necessarily prevent them.
The next time you are at your vet you can discuss additional preventative worming programs. Based on your puppy's activity and exposures you can determine what if anything is necessary.
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New member
How old is Scarlett? If she is as young as your avatar, she should be fed about 4 times a day with the last feeding being later than 5:00. I'll bet the empty stomach is the problem, but as Ginny says, keep and eye on it and be ready to go to the vet. Also, mention it to the vet then next time you're in there.


New member
Scarlett is not a baby anymore, she is still a pup but is now 8 months old. I did have her checked at her first vet appointment for internal parasites actually because one of her littermates had coccidia and she was clean then. Since she has no symptoms of anything now I will just keep my eye on her and talk to the vet about it at our next appointment or bring her sooner if symptoms start up again. Thanks!


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I experienced the same thing with my beloved Emma before her cancer and could think if nothing causing it. However when we had an X-ray for something else the vet said she had a tummy half full of SAND!! Apparently she was eating a mouthful every day at the lake when I wasn't looking. Just a thought for you, you might want to look closely at the stools? Good luck 👍. Su and Willy


New member
Katala is prone to this too and she is 5 years old. As long as she gets a bedtime treat and a treat first thing in the morning she is good to go.