Diet suggestions.....pls help


New member
A dog with a good strong immune system will usually kick demodex on it's own. But sometimes they need help. But being itchy all the time causes the dog to not rest properly, and it's a vicious circle. I'd ask about treating the demodex (ivermectin dosage must be calculated VERY carefully by your vet, and if the dog is growing, recalculated during the dosage period). I feel for anyone who has a dog that is brutally itchy, I felt SO sorry for mine when he had mites, poor little guy just never seemed to rest properly.


New member
I talked to the vet today and she said that we can go ahead and treat the demodex if I want but said since it is localized that there is roughly a 90% recovery rate on the dogs own after they reach immunilogical maturity. She said she didn't do a scraping with dandruff because she said with walking dandruff she would actually be able to see the flakes moving around. Also she gave me an antihistamine to give him called atarax hydroxzine and when he takes it his eyes stop running and he stops scratching and biting. And since the antihistamine works that why she says it would be allergies and not another type of mite.


New member
Although you might see the dandruff moving in a very severe order to actually identify the mite microscopic examination would be advised :)

Have you contacted your see if any of the other pups from the litter are having the same kind of problem? That would give you a very good starting point.

If that's your baby in your avatar...what a sweet little face!!


New member
Yeah that is my little boy in the avatar. He was drooling watching me cook a piece of bacon in that picture. What do you think about the antihistamine making him stop scratching and biting and his eyes quit running? Still want to find out about the mites, but does make me think he some allergies of some sort. Also I just want to say thanks to everyone for all the input.


New member
I am very excited. Two stools a day the last two days (normally 5 or so a day), and each time they have been smaller, well formed, and nowhere near as stinky.


Active member
My girl has had thin hair around the eyes & her nose at times. We did a scraping and it was yeast.
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New member
You cannot rule out allergies...but he's very young for allergies to be an issue. I am a great believer in skin scraping simply because I've seen dogs that had other issues going on that were MUCH easier to deal with than allergies...and a skin scraping takes non invasive...and quite often is diagnostic. We found a small patch of demodex on a 4 year old basset hound once just because the vet I work for is a great believer in skin scrapings as a first shot on any skin issues. It wasn't in a "normal" place, it was on her butt...and it was very "not classic" for demodex. We were not expecting to find anything, but that's the way she likes to do things...start simple and then go further with diagnositcs if you need to. We treated and the dog was fine.
Part of the itching in mite issues may also respond to antihistamines...since the mites set up an allergic reaction in the skin and that causes the body to produce histamine..this is why we use antihistamines for bee stings and things like that. (Think of flea allergy dermatitis...the skin reacting to the flea bites) Maybe I'm just one of those people who likes to rule out the simple things I would personally do the skin scraping before I would go with long term antihistamine use, just to make SURE that there was not a simple cure for the problem. A skin scraping where I work is only about 15.00...and a package of Revolution here is about another 13.00 for a big dog. Another thing I would research is the long term effect of whatever antihistamine I was using if I was going to be using it more than occasionally...especially on a puppy.
Good for you on the are few places that you can discuss your dogs bowel habits and celebrate...and this is one of them!!!
Is your dog on preventive for fleas? It's not done routinely where I live, but I know some areas they have to be.
I love your pup's eyes...the gentle expression - so sweet.


New member
great news on the 'poo'...I am familiar with Atarax.....a prescription type antihistimine...Benedryl is the over the countre variety....I am sure not as strong,,,


New member
Yes he is on Frontline, but I am going to try Revolution instead. We tried Benadryl but it wasn't doing anything for him. I gave him the Atarax just for the time being until we figure out what his skin issue is. I added a little pumpkin to his food (1 tablespoon per meal) and that seemed to start firming up his stool, and then reduced his daily feeding from what was listed on the bag (5.25-6c a day) to 4.75 cups a day and that is what caused to look like what it is now.


New member
Yep, over feeding can cause loose stool. Good job on your part for trying that!

Is your avatar a recent picture? I'm wondering if the hair loss around the eyes is different than that picture as he doesn't look bad there at all. :) Maybe I missed it somewhere, but how old is he now?


New member
He was 4 months in that picture. He is almost 7 months now and the hairloss around his right around the size of a quarter maybe a little larger, and is pretty much bald.


New member
Thank you Ivoryudx!!! Went to see Dr. Shelley and now have a new vet. Gave a dosage for the demodex, and said he has a bacteria infection on his skin and not a food allergy and our little Hank will be a ok!!! So happy the little guy is going to get the relief he needs.


Active member
good for you happy newf, always keep perservering as sometimes a new vet etc can find the problem where the old one certainly sounds like she didnt try enough


Active member
Just realized I didnt finish my earlier post.

Was going to say that with our girl it has always been a yeast infection or staph.

Glad it's cleared up!


New member
Thats great news! I'm glad you finally have some answers and that you tried someone different. I've never met him, but I've heard great things about him lately. Go Hank Go!!!