curious and curiouser---can some wise dog soul tell me what's up?


New member
Dear Newf lovers,

I hope someone here might have some insight on a strange incident yesterday in our mid-town off-leash dog park. We arrived on a glorious afternoon (almost 68 degrees, which is something like 20-25 degrees warmer than we’ve a right to at this late date.) BossMan did his standard patrol of the park, riling at nothing, and taking it none too swiftly. AlleyKat (rescue mutt) was off shoving her nose into everyone’s business and trying hard to stir the pot.

Within a couple of minutes, BossMan locked onto a 2.5 year old great dane. Those two were immediately linked by some cosmic chain. Boss is 3.5 years old, and never much engages in play, certainly rarely tries to romp with other dogs, just wanders about relishing the smells and poking around people more than dogs. He goes home tired, but he shows up tired (such a couch potato that he’s always been!)

Boss and Justin (GD) boxed around and jumped, cheek to cheek, and were obviously having the time of their lives. Justin’s owner whipped out his cell phone and took about 20 photos, exclaiming through the next 45 minutes that his dog had NEVER engaged in play before, he’d never witnessed anything close to what he was seeing. Everyone in the park was laughing and pointing and they were totally engaged in watching these two dickey-do (butts in the air), box, jump, cavort, and spend endless time licking each other in places polite people don’t discuss. Soon BossMan’s head was completely coated in salvia and no telling what else. (joy, oh joy.)

After 20 minutes, with my dog exhausted, I had to leash up Boss to pull him away to another section of the park, where he could try to focus on something else. Boss refused to sit on command, keeping Justin in his eye the entire time. After a 5 minute rest, I took him off-leash and he happily trotted back to Justin. Another 20 minutes later, I resolved we had to leave the park, as Boss’s tongue was getting too red, his eyes were getting red, and his tongue looked like it was swelling (even though we carry gallons of water with us to the park to make sure Boss – and other dogs—have plenty to drink. And believe me, Boss DID DRINK tons while there.) Justin’s Dad got our email and sent us photos last night, and told us he HAD to meet us together in a week at the park, but seriously, I’m almost leary.

Heading back to the gate for our exit, Boss is always compliant and obedient, this time we had to keep our hands on his collar to bring him to the gate, and when we turned to grab our leashes, he immediately turned to run back to Justin. As soon as we got him home, he paced, drank non-stop, paced, finally going downstairs to the cool tile floor of our basement room shower, then back up to pace and drink; it took almost 2 hours for this boy to stop panting. We even took him outside to our back porch tiled floor, which he relishes in the fall and winter, as it is so cold, but we couldn’t get him to settle.

I know this wasn’t a ‘size-related’ issue, as BossMan has played with (‘played’ being a relative term, as it’s mostly sniff and ‘who-cares’ attitude) 5 different Newfs in the last 2.5 weeks at this park, that are as big or much bigger than him. We’ve also had our share of Rotties and GD’s in this park, as well as Pyr’s that are always larger than him. Same ho-hum on his part.

My concern carries through today. He goes outdoors to pee (usually twice every six hours, but since we’ve returned, he tends to pee about 8 -10 times each time outside and we’re taking him out more frequently, to compensate for how often he’s been drinking after this incident). With this increase in drinking and urination, I’m wondering if I should get a vet check. It’s so weird, but it was truly triggered by this incident with the other dog. Tonight, for the first time in almost 30 hours, I’m not seeing him run to his water bowl with the frequency of the last day and a half.

I’ve never seen such behavior in a middle-aged dog. I told my son that you would have thought those two were best buds in another life (although we’re Unitarians, so we don’t get to believe those sci-fi incidents…. ;-) I actually started to wonder if I wasn’t witnessing life at the Rainbow Bridge…..

Without getting too dramatic, can someone explain to me a reason for this incredible behavior? It was not only Boss, but this GD that was, to his owner’s amazement, completely taking him off guard as well.

Does someone have the answer to the mysteries of the universe?


New member
Boss sounds a LOT like Wash. Wash is basicly the "mall cop" of the dog park. He walks around, sniffing out where the other dogs have been, making sure he approves of their presence. There are a very few dogs that he will give the time of day to aside from maybe a sniff to make sure he approves of them being in his park. However, there are those very few that he just goes insane with in regards to play.

There has to be something personality wise that just connects them in some way. There is no rhyme or reason to the dogs he "likes". Age nor size seems to matter. His favorite roughhousing playmates are a 9 month old Basset, a year and a half old Samoyed (his girlfriend), another newf, and a really hyper active Golden. Get him around any of those 4 and the crazies just come out. Same as your situation there have been a few times after play time with these 4 I was concerned for his health because he was WAYYY over doing it (at least for him).


New member
Believing in karmic circles and reincarnation or not, it sounds to me like Boss man and Justin remember one another from somewhere. Besides, who knows how souls exist before they are sent down from God to Earth? Perhaps Bossman and Justin waited for their chance at corporeal life Wordsworth says:

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star, 60
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come 65
From God, who is our home:

To me it sounds like Justin and Boss Man are not entirely forgetful.


New member
Spirit (life) force is energy. I believe they may have been resonating at familiar frequencies.

R Taft

Active member
Don't you yourself sometimes get that animal or person you just click with. Maybe someone from your "past".......I am sure it is the same for animals. Annabelle has one. She met one yellow lab and instantly had this amazing rapport. Now they sense one another from a great distance and just lick and play for hours when they get close. I think it is lovely that he has found such a great friend. I hope they meet again, soon.......


New member
Moe has a couple of special buddies. One is a white boxer named Ralphie. They were instantly friends, and whenever they are at the park together, they immediately run to each other like long lost lovers, and are inseperable the entire time. It makes me smile just thinking about it.
I'm so glad your BossMan found a special buddy too.


New member
Gerik aka Piggyluv......has 2 buddies like that...he never hardly plays. But with my daughters mix and recently Hudson from the 2 dog 2000 mile walk he played and played till exhausted. Souls alike they reunite


New member
Seem to me that those 2 boys are linked together on another level;
they deserve to meet up on a regular basis.


New member
From the Groban song- "And isn't faith believing, all power can't be seen". I too join the ranks of those thinking whatever our beliefs (God, reincarnation, etc.) none of us KNOW for sure therefore it seems to me that all is possible. Perhaps they were Heloise and Abelard, or Tristan and Isolde, or Romeo and Juliet etc. in another time and place. Let them be together and enjoy one another while watching for their health.


New member
Nessa, Wash, Tricia and others....
Thanks so much for the responses. Yes, I believe I was blessed to witness such a demonstration of deeply felt and well honored connection. I will indeed get these two boys back together soon (let's hope it cools off!)....I still can't believe our good fortune to have actually SEEN this. (thank heavens my husband of 30 years was there to see it. He wouldn't have understood the impact had I tried to describe it to him.)

If only HUMANS could be so lucky!!


New member
Yuppers; one of those 'meant to be & always was' relationships.
I wouldn't worry too much on the physical side of it. He played hard for the first time and he's not used to it. But you'll probably have to do some retraining and NEW training to get him to leave his 'Buddy' :D


New member
Thanks to each of you for the great posts. I've heard from the Great Dane's dad that he won't be available to show back up to the park until Dec 12 or 13. I am extremely interested in what happens when these 2 get back together. So I'll wait to re-post. But what a Life-Affirming group this is!! Thanks, and thanks again!