Charlies Weight and Elbows: Update

R Taft

Active member
Just wondering how he was doing and found this..I am glad daycare has picked up his spirits, give the big guy a :hugs: from us :) Ronnie


New member
hey guys sorry long time since i've been on here so apologies for the lack of contact. Charlie is doing very well he had his 4th birthday yestreday and gleefully accepted his cake, then chased some Hares across the garden (which he does enjoy even though he will never ever catch one)!!

his weight is well under control and he weighs about 145lbs now consistently. he still goes to daycare and has lots of friends there but we have yet to reach a place where we are ready for another dog we just can't bring ourselves to it. he's adapted well though and is a happy guy again. his elbows are good and his hydro therapy has him fit and strong. we did discover he has lots of allergies though and he is allergic to beef, chicken, pork and a whole host of other things which has been challenging from a dietary perspective. he eats mostly lamb now but loves that so thats a good thing!!


New member
WELL DONE! Seriously, through out that whole process, you guys all did freaking awesome.

the time will come for another fur baby...the right one will find you guys and it will all work out when you are ready.


New member
well our holistic vet was bang on teh money he told us when raw feeding feed 1% of target bodyweight per day and the weight will fall off and it did. we feed less than 1.5% now to keep him in shape and he's much better for it.


New member
Job well done. I am in your boat as well. My 2.5 yr. old neutered male just went from 153lbs to 160lbs in 7 weeks. I was shocked. We have to drive 25min. to get to the closest scale which we can only access Mon or Thur., even then I have to rush home from work and throw the dogs in the car to get there before they close. I let 7 weeks go by and look what happened. I now realize I was giving too much wet food, but had no clue as I was doing it. He now lost 1 lb in 1 week and stealing food whether your back is turned or not. This is not easy.


New member
Congratulations- great news!

Chumleysma I feel your pain. Cooper was neutered this fall and became a food thief! He also put on 5 lbs when we switched his food and he stopped stealing in that time (!) but now that he's limited again he is stealth!


Active member
I can sympathise on the allergies as a lot of Beaus weight gain has been due to antihistamines acting as a steroid and piling weight on.

Beau is also allergic to beef/pork/chicken/most grains/dust and storage mites so rotates between lamb/pheasant/rabbit /fish/venison.all in all he is better fed than me


New member
thanks guys :allg069:

I can sympathise on the allergies as a lot of Beaus weight gain has been due to antihistamines acting as a steroid and piling weight on.

Beau is also allergic to beef/pork/chicken/most grains/dust and storage mites so rotates between lamb/pheasant/rabbit /fish/venison.all in all he is better fed than me
yes the things he isn't allergic to are much less in quantity and much more in cost the things he's not allergic to!!

we're also giving him as suppliments, flaxseed oil, hemp oil, primrose oil, cod liver oil, tumeric, green lipid mussel, zinc and another more natural alternative to glucosamine that i can't think of the name of now.

no meds as such we want to keep things as natural as possible