Can't believe it I'm so proud of him....


New member
Toby had his second class in obedience was as different as day and night....cannot believe the improvement from last week......
In my last post I was so discouraged but with the support from everyone here I thought OK , maybe it will improve next time....
Well, he was amazing....he was right on the mark.....concentration was wonderful....responding so well to the clicker and focus was husband did all the handling this class as he had more time and I had to drop in while working.....
I think it was a combination of him settling in , and the new rollover treats worked like a charm......
I just walked in and kissed him on the big fat head....of course the instructor thought that I should not be getting in his face as he thought I was placing myself in harms way....little does he know that I am always doing this at home.....and I call the space between his eyes my kissing spot....I truly believe that there is no way this dog would ever harm me...maybe I'm wrong but he moves into me and welcomes the kisses every time.....fairly confident he loves it too....
Anyway....trainers are only basing their instruction on experience and I am basing my interaction with Toby on intuition.....
I will continue to give him kisses between the eyes....and he doesn't have to know's our little secret....
but the good news is, my boy is getting better and it's all worth it.....
I love him more and more every day....he's brilliant.....the big lug !!!!!


New member
Baby Huey gets kissed between the eyes daily, he especially likes it when our grandaughter kisses him goodbye.......congrats on the obedience! :nod:


New member
Congratulations on the good work. As for the kisses- I have kissed over 45 dogs right there multiple times over 35 years. NOT ONE every objected in the least and that includes 2 pit bull mixes. They know if you love them.