Bosco at the D.O.G. Bakery


New member
Today is the first time we took Bosco anywhere and let him walk around. Usually he is in a basket...
He did amazing and loves loves loves people.
It's not in the video, but as we were leaving the bakery everyone that came in had to stop and pet him. One lady quit petting him after about 3 minutes so he grabbed her shoelace and pulled it untying it. She thought that was adorable! I explained how it might be cute now, but if he weighed 140 pounds it might not be quite as cute :roflmao:

Here is a very short (2 minute) video of Bosco in the bakery, walking on a leash in public for the first time and getting treats and belly rubs


New member
Love that waggy tail!! He has sooo much personality.... :)

Wish I could scoop him up for puppy snuggles


New member
LOVE his little obedient "treats, treats treats!" sit. Poppy was so much like that at that age. She was a dream. Then she figured out she didn't have to do what she was told...and it became the period of testing we are in now.


New member
Awwww... he is such a sweet heart! We love to watch your outings.

I wish more places around here would let you take the dogs along. :(


New member
OMG this is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I want to cuddle him!!!! Thank you so much for sharing, this made my day!!! :)


New member
It's almost time to take him again. With all the training going on we are practically out of he loves going there and so do I :)