

Super Moderator
Sorry to hear of Ben's passing. You will be in my prayers. I lost Adam on Tuesday. I know the pain you are going through right now.


New member
Oh Terri....I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful boy. Ben was a newf that always stuck in my mind...Sending lots of good thoughts to you...


Active member
aww I remember him. I am so sorry to hear of his passing. My thoughts are with you.:hug:


New member
Oh my, not sweet Ben - I've always loved from a far. So many leaving us for their next journey. Fly free sweet boy. Hugs to your mama and family.


New member
Ben was a giant amongst huge giants.. The very sweet amazing true story was a Mom who loved her giant companion so much that she stuck by him every step of the way.. And though for her own personal reasons she has taken a hiatus from FB.. There has never been a stronger or more supportive friend of our beloved breed... So whether you choose to or not.. Please send your condolences on this beloved giant boy.. Who loved his Mom, so much.. Perhaps the biggest baby in the world.. They will be waiting big guy at the bridge.. xoxoxox