Add Riley to the list of Cruciate Tears


New member
Been there...three dogs...four cruciates. It's not fun but it's something that you can deal with at least :)
The surgeon that did my dogs (except for one of them) did his job..recommended the TPLO..said he personally thought TTA was better but not done in our area...and in the end...agreed to do the surgery that HE could do himself..with was the suture technique. (He said he is obligated to explain ALL options...and make sure that I knew that the TPLO was the recommended one at that time, and that he would give me a referral.) He did tell me that from what he had studied, he felt that the TTA was going to be the superior surgery eventually. One of my dogs had both done within TWO WEEKS...ewww. Happily, that was four years ago...the dog is now almost eight...and I swear he moves better now than he did before his surgeries. The female who had it done around the same time is over 8 now...and I can't remember which leg it that's a good thing. Chin will get through it and you will be fine and so will he :)


New member
Been there with my Yorkie! Hope everything goes well and Riley gets the treatment that he needs to get back to his old self! :D


New member
Oh no! I'm so sorry this has happened to Riley. Sounds like you are on top of things and have lots of resources to go to with questions. Sending many good postive vibes for your Riley boy. And we all are here for YOU.

Thule's Mom

New member
Aww! Say it ain't so! :darn:

A "personal" word on conservative management... read everything you can on it, espcially success with heavy dogs, and length of time to try conservative management.

Our experience with "circumstance forced" conservative management was not a good one. Thule ruptured the first cruciate at the end of October and while on "conservative management" waiting for surgery in March, on New Years Day, she ruptured the second one. She has arthritis in the first knee that she ruptured. Thule was quite heavy - 130 lbs, and she's tall too at 28" at the shoulder, and it's my opinion this contributed to the second rupture (as well as the first). So, I guess all I'm saying is be careful!:hugs:

But, for some real experience - and no shortage of opinions... try the Yahoo Group "Orthodogs"... these people are really knowledgable.
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New member
Best wishes to you both...I'm confident you will make the best decision as to what is right for Riley. I am so sorry that your boy is in pain and that you all have to go through this. It's no fun, but there is a light at the end of this tunnel.


New member
I'm so sorry...not a list you want to be on. Two dogs, two TPLO's and one conventional (suture). Charlie was just cleared by his final xrays to start back to being as normal as Charlie can be. Max had the conventional years ago and it has held up great, although, my Max isn't as active Charlie. Good luck and sorry to say, there's a lot of experience here...:(


New member
Sorry to hear about Riley's injury....:( Good luck finding the best route fo recovery, we will be thinking about you all.


New member
We saw the surgeon this morning and after EXTENSIVE research and talking to EVERYone I could think of, conservative management is not the best choice for my boy. We're gonna go with the TTA based on Riley's size, the angulation of his structure and some other considerations. Wish us luck. We go in tomorrow to get it done.


New member
Thanks for the update Suse. It's going to be just fine. I suppose you have seen enough here to prepare for his homecoming.. Hugs to both you and Riley... I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.:hugs:

Thule's Mom

New member
Prayers with you both! In my humble opinion, if surgery is necessary, much better sooner rather than later! Sooner he has it, the sooner he'll be on the mend. You will need to prepare yourself for his homecoming. Jen can attest to that. Anything you want, just ask!

I can meet you in the "Bar" after work!

Deb & Thule
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New member
I know Carmela had a TTA done on Brinks when he tore his cruciate - she felt his recovery was very swift and easy - I hope it's the same for you!


New member
Best wishes...the sooner he gets it done, the sooner he'll be trotting again. Glad you did your you have nothing to question. I'll be thinking of you both tomorrow...and I'll join you and Thule's Mom in the bar if you need it!!

Elly May

New member
Keep us posted! I think you're doing the right thing. Lacy's TPLO got her back on track pronto and we don't have any regrets...hugs and I'll be thinking about you guys -