Is anyone else paying attention to all the buzz about 2012? Just curious what you all think about it. I am not necessarily a believer, but the number of convergences around that date is chilling. It's Armageddon week on the history channel -- very uplifting stuff. ;)


New member
I have investigated this in depth, a long time ago..It is fascinating that several cultures..widely seperated, have the same date in their literature as catastrophic... How in the world they all knew (BC) that there would be this convergence on this date is truly suprising. We could have a pole shift..There are actually sites that will instruct you as to what to do during this period, as the gravity will be intense. You can google 'Pole shift' ..which has happened before , and been scientifically verified..Not sure, but I think 25,000 years ago, with the same configuration of planets. Interesting....


New member
Sigh..any math-jock..can 'run'..a series of convergences..for anything. Now..if people enjoy not reading about how that ..is done..let me step back outta the way..and freak-on. Life choices..ya know. ;) ina n HB n Kesa

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
I had a religious experiance 11 years ago in that I "saw" the "end" coming up very fast in time. My understanding was that it was the 2nd coming of Christ and the end of life as we know it....not the end of the earth or humanity. I was told it would be in my lifetime. I truly believe this as of course it happened to me, but if it had not I do not know what I would believe. I think it pretty interesting that as you say, many different cultures and even science are looking at this date. According to Revelations there will be many great signs, including Cosmic. Will be interesting to see what happens but I think as long as we have a good relationship with God we have nothing to really fear. After all, the end could come for any one of us today but I do think it would be neat to be alive on the earth when these things happen.


New member
For those who are more comfortable with science..they may wish to read about these 'concerns'..on various web sites. I suggest one called Live Science. ina n HB n Kesa


New member
The world was supposed to end as we know it in 2000. That was mathematically important to cultures all over the world. Thanks to the engineers in India, even our computers didn't blip.
Your life is your own creation, live it in wonder or live it in fear, it is up to you. Any of us could "go" tomorrow, or 2012, so it's best just to live every day to it's fullest. Greet the sunrise, receive your gifts, surround yourself in beauty if that is what suits you (as it does me). And don't hold your breath waiting for "the end". It will come for each of us, but none of us really knows when.
The media's goal to inflict fear. Keep that in mind when you read/see/hear.


New member
lol...I was waiting for Ina's comments !! ( I love you ,Ina) These things are interesting to contemplate, whether they are going to happen or not...It is a fact..that the Maya calculated this planetaary formation many many years ago..and said there was a black hole (as we now know it) at the center of the galaxy. They called it 'The navel of the Universe'...It took modern science hundreds of years to catch up with the Mayan calculations...and confirm it. There is no doubt that the winter soltice, 2012, will produce a planitary eliegnment rarely seen, but a matter of history. Science agrees that the earth has rotated on it's axis before...why not again? I just think we should be open minded to alot of things. We know so little..
(but heck, Ina doesn't even believe in 'Big Foot'....lol)


New member
I thought the world was supposed to end 12-31-1999 (which by the way was NOT the end of the century). This is just another Chicken Little story. The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

The following taken loosely from Wikipedia:

Some people claim that an alignment will occur when the sun rises above the horizon December 12 2012, at which point the sun will rise in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy, thus causing an alignment between the earth, sun, and the galactic center. This event is said to cause numerous earth changes, however that is not possible considering that the event is only a visual phenomenon from the earths perspective, which is caused by the precession of the equinoxes or the 26,000 year wobble of the earth, which only changes our perspective, not the actual position of the earth in relation to the galaxy. In short, there is no gravitational force or radiation to be expected from this event because other than the tilt of the earth, nothing will be any different than any other solstice.
There are also claims that an actual physical alignment of our entire solar system will occur with the horizontal plane of the Milky Way Galaxy on that day. The solar system is moving around the center of the galaxy every 225 million years or so, and while doing so is moving up and down in a cycle crossing the plane every 33 million years. According to the Journal Nature, this isn't so because there is evidence of the solar system crossing the galactic plane 3 million years ago. This would mean that we are moving away from the galactic plane not toward it, and we won’t be due to cross it for another 30 million years.
Among other possible scenarios is that a shift of the earth's magnetic poles may occur, and that this will leave the earth vulnerable to harmful radiation from the sun. According to NASA this event does not occur on a particular day or year, but over the course of thousands of years, and contrary to popular belief the magnetic field does not vanish during this natural cycle, it just becomes more complex as it makes the transition.
Some proponents of the pole shift scenario claim that this shift would be a physical movement of the poles of the earth, and not simply a magnetic shift of the poles. This event is called a true polar wanderer, and we have a had a few degree shift in the past, but no where near a reversal, there is no reason to suggest this is likely or even possible. According to William Sager, a Texas A&M Oceanographer, a slight shift in the physical pole occurs at a rate between 5 and 10 degrees per million years, which means that this event could not happen on a particular day or year but only over a long period of time.

The Doctor

New member
:icon_bb: DO NOT tell me that the India nation had the positive affect on our ....... OK, I'll just stop it now .........
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New member
And also, Yellowstone Park is one big super volcano. If it blows, it will take out the entire US and S. America, Canada, etc etc. Scientist estimate that it does blow every 600,000 to 650,000 years. THE last eruption was over 650,000 years ago. Therefore, it can blow at ANY MINUTE. Damn, just one more thing to worry about.

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
The one good thing about all this is that it helps us to realize that life is a gift. The earth is a resource that should be treasured and cared for, and that we should live in joy each day if possible. We really DONT know all the answers, no matter what the scientists say, and we should always be prepared for losing those convenences we depend on so much, especially technology.


New member
just read the silly tabloid called The Sun. heck the world is always ending there!!


Active member
live each day as if it were your last, try new things, laugh a lot and enjoy your friends including the four legged ones and forget when we are all supposed to be blown up,flooded out, fried,cremated or hit by an asteroid.


New member
I am serious about this...Is Wikipedia supposed to be THE RELIABLE source? It's name kind of indicates 'encyclopedia...' always wondered exactly what it was...who writes it.....where does the information come from....