
New member
OK..I just looked it up myself. Wikapedia is a site made up of contributed essays from lots of people and sources...I found just as many articles 'pro' the 2012 /dramatic occurance, as against the theory....


New member
Julie, my understanding is that anybody can contribute anything to Wikipedia. I have looked various things up there and I KNOW it is not at all accurate.....It is an authority on nothing.


New member
Wiki is just like NN..in that 'we'..can and do..say what we..think, what we ..believe..and why. So..the tremendous number of comments/citations etc...are put up..by the likes of all of us, although I have had no need to add anything. I do go there..when I need a quick-fix as to a name or something I have not yet heard of. It is..perhaps..like an international 'back yard fence'..and people all around the world..are hanging out there..commenting upon what they wish to. ina n HB n Kesa ps Julie..no..if there were a credible animal of the sort you mention..I would not kill it. I do..however..believe it is a falsehood..in all respects.


Active member
Ina about 'big foot." There was a show on the History Channel with wild life biologists and other similar scholars that where taking a new look at the "big foot" theory. The animal is referred to as the North American Great Ape. Has been for a number of years now. Similar habitat and food sources exists on this continent as on other continents where there are known Great Apes. I don't think it is at all impossible that there maybe such a mammal in North America. Especially considering that it was not believed to be true that Gorillas existed until the 19th century, despite all of the stories told about them. Some of the names that were given to gorillas when roughly translated meant, hairy man. Reading about some of the stories told about gorillas and the descriptions given of them, is not unlike the stories told and descriptions given about "big foot." You never know. Maybe.


New member
As George Harrison and thousands of years of religion from the East say, "All things must pass." We're all going to die. Sooner, later. What does worrying about it, whether 2012, whether eruptions, do?

So I say, "Don't worry ... be newfy!"



Active member
Amen! Luke 8:50 tells us to "Fear not; only believe"
You know, the first plague listed in Revelation was a "mountain" thrown into the sea by an angel. The "mountain" kills 1/3 of the life on earth. The description sounds VERY much like a large asteroid hit...


New member
Oh, I don't think there is any need to worry at all..Just interesting to contimplate. I don't happen to believe that we 'die' anyway...just move on..As for big Foot, I am a believer. They have found hair samples that belong to 'no known species' and also foot prints ( I know some are fake) that have print patterns that belong to 'no known species.' (Plus..If you talk to the people who have had personal encounters..right up close, rocks thrown at them etc. it is hard to dismiss..) That is the lines in the foot, like a finger priint. But then, I also believe in alien life forms...Ina just needs to have one visit the farm for fresh berries...


New member
2012 is the year that Newf's take over the world. As their 'familars' we will be in a much better place than all those Chihuahua owners....


New member
Here's a link with a number of short videos that were included on the History Channel's coverage: http://video.google.com/videosearch...sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title##
Okay, I got as far as the pyramids stuff. Considering the pyramids were only three of over 100 pyramids in Egypt, I can't quite get around that these three are lined up in some symbolic manner. I mean, the first pharoah who decided to build his pyramid in that spot, did he really plan that one to be the first of three special ones? And Thing 2 and Thing 3 also were party to this? Why did other pharoahs build theirs elsewhere, and wouldn't theirs have symbolism as well? Where is stonehenge in all this? Didn't see any mention of Stonehenge....
Now, if they told me the Mayans built these symbolically placed pyramids, I'd stop and think about that. But considering the idea was based on the Mayan calendar and their "writings" you'd think that they, too, would have built such symbolically placed pyramids, seeing that they also were great pyramid builders, thus connecting the egyptian pyramids' location (or the three largest ones at Giza) with the mayan calendar made it a little too far fetched. The thing looked to me like grasping at things and tying them together. Kind of like "Eating lettuce will raise your IQ". Smart people eat lettuce, you see, therefore, eating lettuce must make you smart.
Interesting to watch, but really pretty hard to swallow. Plus, the world can't end in 2012, I won't be done with my doctorate yet.


New member
Heres another scary thought.... NO ONE is doing anything about Y3K yet..... and its gonna creep right up on us....

angie j

New member
From a 'Biblical' perspective Jesus told his disciples the end of 'THis' system would be like the days of Noah... People would be :eating, drinking, women being given away in marriage.... they took no note...and were 'swept away'... Mt. 24:36

In other word... you won't see it comming.

In a 'News worthy' view... "If the end is to come, Eat and drink..for tomorrow you may die".... or not :)
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But then, I also believe in alien life forms...Ina just needs to have one visit the farm for fresh berries...
Me too...send them aliens my way. My nieces and nephews call me "Aunt Alien". I would love to meet a real live aliend. I also am FASCINATED by spontaneous human combustion. Here one minute minding your own business, then POOF, up in flames ya go :shocker:



New member
Who is that pretty in your Avitar, Mary ? When/if you get down here, we can really have some subject matter to go over..I have tons of stuff on Aliens/UFO's....
Who is that pretty in your Avitar, Mary ? When/if you get down here, we can really have some subject matter to go over..I have tons of stuff on Aliens/UFO's....
That pretty in my Avitar is Chance. I think she grew up to be quite a nice girl!
I'll bring my UFO Encyclopedia with me. My husband about goes off the deep end when I want to watch "documentaries" on UFO's, Bigfoot, Spontaneous Human Combustion, etc.
One of the biggest letdowns as far as UFO stuff goes is when I found out the guys on "Ghosthunters" on Discovery are actually plumbers in real life!!!!! And here I had thought they were scientists! AWWWW