2 Newfs 1 Dane and SPRING FEVER


New member
oh yeah, they have it. It always looks like Olivia is taking the brunt of it, but trust me... she's the instigator!

the cause:

the Results: tired dirty doggies
Olivia - "mom, I'm dirty as heck but I had great fun"

Jeffrey - "let me lay in the dirt so my drooly area can get even more filthy"

and Dennis the Dane, who is the easiest to maintain... always looks the cleanest!


New member
I love watching them play! Snout wars and wrestling matches make me giggle!


New member
Dennis is getting big! How old is he now?
He just turned 8 months *sigh* sweet as can be, but he's recently discovered walls, as in chewing walls or should I say, eating walls. It must be a dane thing, my danes of the past did the same thing at his age.

Home depot here I come!


New member
OMG, Jeffrey is the most handsome newf! I love him in the 5th picture down. I just want to kiss that furry face! Great shots, and Dennis has grown!!

KS Newf

New member
What fun!! they are all beautiful and obvious so very happy!! The flowers are lovely, too. Thanks for sharing and for a great way to start the day!!