Recent content by Goofy Newfy

  1. G

    Price of puppy, a secret?

    Sorry, this was also posted under the breeders category by accident. Couldn't delete it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would you even deal with a breeder who won't even disclose the price of her puppies unless I call her? We are looking into...
  2. G

    Cost of pup, a secret?

    Would you even deal with a breeder who won't even disclose the price of her puppies unless I call her? We are looking into getting a Shiba Inu but not until May. I have done extensive research on the breed for weeks now and have no questions of one VERY reputable breeder........ other than the...
  3. G

    Anyone recommend a great cleaner for linoleum?

    We just pulled up our laminant in our kitchen because it always looked dirty. Now, we are back to white linoleum. Between, the two dogs, cats, kids and basic living wear, it ALWAYS looks dirty. Is there such a product that will clean both the dirt and wash the floor at the same time? Has anyone...
  4. G

    Tricia2, are you there?

    Hi Tricia. I sent you a few messages but never received a reply. I wanted to make sure that you received the check for the shampoo. I mailedl it back in July but it was never cashed and I never received a response from you. : ) Sorry for the last resort to contact you. Tina
  5. G

    Newfy odds and ends

    I found this link to adorable Newfoundland items for sale... I am a fan of Newfoundland on facebook and now and again they provide suggestions on Newfy...
  6. G

    This is absolutely hysterical

    My mom sent this to me a few weeks ago. It just occured to me to repost it here. Please watch it, sure to make you smile and laugh.
  7. G

  8. G

    does anyone know how to get in touch with SueM?

    It was suggested to me several months back to contact SueM as she is a groomer in my area? I have sent her a PM and one to the person who suggested contacting her. Neither messages have received a reply.. Thanks much, Tina
  9. G

    Obnoxious behavior

    I posted this on a GSD forum but didn't receive any responses. Hoping to get some advice since it is still going on. Our GSD is 5 months old. She is so well behaved and I love spending at much time with her as possible. Since I work from home, this is most of the day. Our other dog is a...
  10. G

    Flight or Fight

    This is a question about a 5 month old GSD puppy. She has picked up very quick on all training commands. The only issue is that she is at the stage where she is determining if it is a flight or fight situation. She barks and growls at everything and everyone she sees on a walk or sometimes out...
  11. G

    Artifical Tears

    Do anyone use Artifical Tears for their dogs? Long story short we found out Jack doesn't produce enough tears to clean out his eyes and has developed a bacterial infection in both eyes. Our vet recommended a few OTC products but most have to be given 3-4 times daily. Can anyone recommend a...
  12. G

    Groomer always late

    I finally found a mobile groomer that I really like. She does a great job with Jack and dries him completely. She charges $150.00 (takes her about 3 hours). I tip her $50.00 for a total of $200.00. The only thing that rubs me the wrong way, is that she is ALWAYS late. She schedules me 6 weeks in...
  13. G

    Dog food

    Does anyone else feed their dogs "Taste of the Wild" dog food? I just started using this with my guys about 3 months ago. It is $41.00 for a 30 pound bag. Anything comparable that others would recommend? We don't go through it too quickly yet as our 1 Newf is 4 years and our puppy is 4 months...
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  15. G

    Odd question

    Let's begin by saying, I feel totally weird for writing this but am very curious to know if anyone else has encountered this type of behavior. We have a 4 year old Newf, and a 4 1/2 month old GSD. They get along great and love to wrestle and tumble with each other, but there is a catch. Our Newf...