Anyone recommend a great cleaner for linoleum?

Goofy Newfy

New member
We just pulled up our laminant in our kitchen because it always looked dirty. Now, we are back to white linoleum. Between, the two dogs, cats, kids and basic living wear, it ALWAYS looks dirty. Is there such a product that will clean both the dirt and wash the floor at the same time? Has anyone tried The Mint cleaner? I used the Roomba years ago, it was stored away and now no longer holds a charge. It worked but I would love something that does both a dry sweep and a wet clean at the same time. Self-propelled would be lovely but even a manual poduct that worked well would be appreciated.


New member
mr clean, hot water, scrub brush, ill-behaved children. seriously, its the only way mine every get 'clean'. it's a major PITA. They do get swept and washed regularly, but the only way to really get them clean is to scrub them by hand for me.


Super Moderator
I would suggest black linoleum.

Honestly I have a cream colored tile. I mop at least 2 times a week. I use PineSol.