Woo Hoo~Winter Storm Coming!!!


New member
Seems early but we are expecting what may be a good nor'easter! Are folks along the eastern seaboard ready? If not here is a list to help you. This list was generated a few minutes ago by the Storm Warning Team of Sullivan Maine~my daughter and I :)

Eggnog~for eggnog lattes
Firewood~for the woodstove or fireplace
Warm cozy slippers~for the Feet
Snacks ~for the belly
Candles~for atmosphere
Christmas music~self Explanatory
Christmas fragrance~self explanatory
Eggnog~ for eggnog lattes

As you can tell she and I are already enjoying an eggnog latte" :sunflower:

Whats on your list~


New member
have fun and stay safe :) People tend to pack their brains in their asses before the get into the car around here...that plus snow can be a bit scary.


New member

We know you have much love for Mother Nature, but October snow??????????????????

Isn't it a tad early for our area?
Sue you're right it is waaaay early in fact if it does actually happen it will be the earliest we have ever seen snow. the Farmer's almanac says it's going to be a "Good" winter. Good = intense


New member
Excellent list - we picked up the eggnog last week :) Consider the snow an early gift from us folks in Colorado - enjoy!


New member
Hawk.. Don't forget the "storm team" music, and the obligatory sweater! Not sure if the Bangor affiliate is the same as the Portland one, but I am sure you know what I mean.. lol..

Me, I'm trying to figure out if I can get out of the road to make it to the bakery on Sunday.. Should I close, or just open later? Ah, the woes of living in Maine.. 8/

And, yes, the wood for the stove is ready, as is the food in the freezer, should we loose power...

Stay warm and dry!
on the other side of Maine


We had a storm here in NJ 3 years ago today. Totally unexpected and it was devastating. Since all the leaves are still on the trees (we are peak right now for foliage) the 7" of snow that got dumped caused branches to snap like I've never seen before. Schools called home at first saying early dismissal and then no early dismissal the roads were too dangerous and then about 4 calls later the kids finally got home around 5:45. We lost power for 2 days and the kids used up 2 of their snow days. Driving the next day was crazy. Branches, downed trees and power lines were everywhere. I knew it was big doings when I saw the ABC news team in our quiet little town. October storms are no ordinary snow storms. Please use caution and don't be surprised if NN goes down.