Wish me luck..(NN)


New member
I'm sorry to hear about his diagnosis. Hopefully he can get along okay for a while as is. Hugs to the little big boy.


Super Moderator
Oh I'm so sorry it's that diagnosis, sending him lots of :grouphug: , and slobbery xxxx from my gang.


New member
Poor Milo....So sorry to hear this...
I had a mare with wobbler's once but am not familiar with it in dogs.....Will have to do some Google research.
Is there anything that can be done for him?


New member
My vet faxed everything off to a specialist and we are waiting back on a consult. We will know more then. I don't know if surgery is an option or not. And there are no guarantees. Right now the hardest thing is trying to keep Baloo and Milo from playing in the house. sigh. He just wants to be a puppy.


New member
This is tough......anyone have any suggestions about how to keep a 9 month old puppy quiet and happy without playing??? He is afraid of water, so swimming is out of the question. I am still waiting to hear from the specialist....but in the meantime he is not so well. This really sucks.


New member
Daggone Vicky!! I am so sorry. I don't have any ideas for you but I do have a huge hug for both of you.