Whew, no surgery!!


New member
Well it's official, Riki didn't send me off to surgery land :allg069:.
I just broke my tibial plateau and it's non-displaced. so, no walking. I have a leg immobilizer, crutches (which suck), sore arms and armpits and they will x-ray again in two weeks to make sure it doesn't move. so, that means Riki gets no walks either unless my neighbors take pitty on me. Next time she'll think twice about bumping mom cuz that means noooooo walks!


New member
Hope your recovery is smooth...and remember to exit quickly when the Newfies start their "people bowling";)


New member
Oh man..thats no fun..so heal, step-lively..when back on on the 'trail'..and catch up on reading some good books. With any luck..you have actual books that are pleasing to the touch..not a kindel or whatever. Yeah..they do have their place for instant access. Get better! ina n HB n Kesa


New member
Don't let the crutches take your weight - use your hands - that's what's making your armpits sore ... says the voice of experience. Glad it's not worse!

R Taft

Active member
The best news for you..............Now you follow those instructions and take care, Ronnie