Where to get a doggie life jacket


New member
Hi guys, we are getting our pool set up and I want to get Poppy used to a life vest. Our pet stores here don't have them big enough, and I want to be sure to get a good quality item. Where do you suggest buying one online?

Any specific model?


New member
We found one on sale at LL Bean. She has only been swimming in our home pool so I can't say how well it would do in a lake and such. She hasn't seemed uncomfortable in it and it has kept her booty up quite well. So, for what we need, it has been great.


New member
Ruffwear only in this house. I use it when they are just starting to swim. I found it gives them confidence. Have fun!


Jeepin' Rob

New member
Reviving an older thread........................

Which Ruffwear life jacket are you using?

Big Eddy or Portage float coat?

Rob & Moby