What I learned today


New member
My favorite was one time I took the boys for a walk on the beach. I looked like absolute hell. Hair was unwashed and in a messy pony tail, NO makeup, ripped jeans, ratty t-shirt, ratty sweatshirt, and my giant brown down jacket that has a rip in it that used to be covered by a piece of duct tape, but the duct tape fell off so now it's just got that nasty leftover duct tape goo in a big square stuck to the area surrounding the hole, which occasionally poofs out feathers. Plus assorted smears of Newf slime dried all over the jacket. I really looked classy.

And the boys and I were rambling around, when we came upon an older couple with their medium sized dog. The dogs all got to playing, so of course the older couple and I grouped up to avoid being taken out at the knees, and started talking. I introduced myself by first name only. They asked all the usual questions, and then the woman suddenly said, "Wait a moment! Are these the Mulherens' dogs?"

They're that famous, you guys. People know their last name.

And I said yes, they were. She said something polite about my husband's family, and then she asked me if I walked the dogs often!!!

Hahahahahahahahahaha! She totally thought I was a hired dog walker. And since I was dressed like a hobo, (no offense to hobos), and felt totally self conscious, I was willing to let her believe that. I replied, "Oh yes! Almost every day."

Heh. It still makes me chuckle.

Wait until you run into folks who remember your dog but not you!


New member
One caution. Be careful how you answer some of the yahoos who ask you what the dogs is worth, etc. They may try to steal it. I had one character ask if he came by my house sometime when we weren't home, did I think the dog would bite him.


New member
One caution. Be careful how you answer some of the yahoos who ask you what the dogs is worth, etc. They may try to steal it. I had one character ask if he came by my house sometime when we weren't home, did I think the dog would bite him.
I tell folks that ask that question that the dogs are worth a whole lot to me, and probably not that much to anyone else. I tell them if they're genuinely curious about a purchase price, to find a breeder that they're interested in and ask them.

I also point out that the initial purchase price was a drop in the bucket compared to how much their upkeep has cost me.

The only person I've ever really given a thorough and honest response to was a dad whose non-verbal autistic son had formed a strong and positive attachment to Nanook. I was very honest to that father, about how much they cost to purchase and keep, but I also made it clear that ANY dog with a good temperament could do for his son what Nanook was doing, and that there are lots of lovely dogs at the local SPCA just waiting for him.