What do you mean it's wet out here?


New member
Earlier today I was out in the shed for a few minutes and this was what I came back out to find. Henry was standing on the edge of the deck, enjoying what he would regard as perfect weather. A heavy drizzle and about 50 degrees.

Seeing as he was in no mood to go back inside, we spent the next 30 minutes or so walking around. Thankfully he decided to forgo his usual stream wading or puddle standing. Instead he decided to do one of his best "look at me, I'm a cow" impressions, even grabbing a bit of grass for that extra bit of authenticity!

After spending five good minutes spent grazing along the fence, he sauntered back up to what has become his favorite watering hole. The neighbors horses never seem to mind when he shares a drink with them (when they are in the pasture). The funny thing is that the gate is open, but he'll still squeeze under the corner to get a drink!

We'll that was our lovely Sunday morning. I hope everyone else is having as relaxing a day as Henry and I.