urgent - TPLO/Ear infection help


New member
Hi guys. I haven't been here for a long time, and I'm sorry that these are the circumstances under which I'm coming back, but it's christmas time and I have a three month old baby crying and a toddler crying and Gilly crying and I'm crying and i just forked out a buttload of money I don't have to pay for my poor Gilly girl's TPLO and tonight I discovered there's a rat somewhere in my house along with some postpartum related health issues and I'm PANICKING because Gilly is almost three weeks post TPLO surgery and all of a sudden tonight, on Christmas eve eve, she has developed an ear infection that is wet and when I wipe the wetness it has blood tinge to it and it smells bad and I'm so worried about how fast this can spread to her knee and target the hardware. Is this something that can wait until morning? Should I be calling the emergency vet tonight even though I can't even really afford a regular daytime vet visit plus antibiotics? If anyone is awake and online and has any ideas about what I should do (about Gilly...) please tell me!


Super Moderator
Call the vet first thing in the morning. Clean the ear with baby wipes at the moment till you get some advice from the vet. Obviously wash your hands thoroughly afterwards although her incision should be healed by now. Maybe just antibiotic ear drops will be prescribed.
Update us when you get a minute.
So sorry about the need for TPLO, she is quite young, isn't she?


Active member
I wish I had some advice, but I do have a very BIG hug to share. You sound so frazzled and I hope everything looks better this morning. Bless your heart.


New member
Poor you! I didn't see this last night when you needed somebody to respond...sorry! I hope this am things are more at peace for you...the ear infections can be solved by using zymox. You can order it online and have it shipped directly to you. It costs in the US around $36.00 but lasts quite a long time. It works really fast...if you put it in within minutes it gives comfort to the dog...I use it ALL the time on Jake who has chronic ear problems. I hope you can enjoy your Christmas...hugs to you!!


New member
If I could I would get het into your own vet before they close for the holidays. Or at least call them. My Murphy had an infection that went to the hardware. Goodd luck and keep us posted.


Super Moderator
Any updates yet? Hope things have settled down for you and you all have a very Merry Christmas.


New member
I took Gilly in and it turns out to be a yeast infection in one ear and a fungal infection in the other...and now she has developed a sore at the base of her tail (likely now a staph infection, is my guess based on the same sort of sores in the past). The problem is that she has pretty severe environmental allergies but because of her TPLO cannot be on the Prednisone which is the only (affordable) treatment that keeps her allergies at bay (her pain meds and Prednisone are not allowed to be taken at the same time, and the Prednisone inhibits scar tissue formation, which they want). There's essentially nothing I can do but wait and keep paying for more and more medications to treat different infections caused by allergies all the while she is growing in discomfort in different areas. Poor Gilly girl.

R Taft

Active member
Can she have antihystamines for her allergies..there are many of those, they work for Annabelle


New member
So sorry.... Just know you are doing the best you can... And by the way.. take some time to practise some self care...:bear:


New member
We had an ear infection after the TPLO, too. It was the only ear infection Willis has ever had and it took cultures and a couple of rounds of meds from the vet, then Zymox to finally clear it. I've heard from several people that have had an ear infection after a TPLO.

I have heard really good things about Apoquel for allergies if it's something you could get for Gilly. Best of luck and hopefully things turn around for you guys soon.


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