Update on Clayton CCL Treatment..The Brace is Here!!!!

Hi All

Claytons brace for his CCL tear from Sky Prosthetics came in Wed and he has been fitted. We took him back in Fri for them to check the fit and make sure it wasnt rubbing, too tight, too loose, slipping, etc. So far, so good. The Ortho Doc said we still may end up having to do a surgery, but he feels this is the best shot he has at avoiding one.We had a bit of a problem right at first with him chewing at it, but some Bitter Apple put a stop to that right away. He is getting used to it better every day, and yesterday even did the steps to the Family Room with it on.
Now he just leaves it alone, and it seems to be becoming "normal" to him to have it on. I can tell a definite difference in his gait since he's had it, and he doesnt seem to be switching weight to the other leg anymore. We still have to limit his activity, but he seems more comfortable. Also, I feel much less stressed :) I'm not sure why, but I think subconciously I was SO worried about him injuring it further that it was bothering me a lot more than I realized. So now, I guess we just wait and pray that it helps to stabilize that knee.


New member
Hi Mary.
I'm so glad to hear Clayton has his brace and is doing better! Thats great news.


New member
Man that is something I am interested in. I printed off some info from the site and am taking it with me on the 26th.
Hi Jen

Hopefully they will be willing to keep an open mind on it. Every other vet we have talked to thinks its a waste of money, and just putting off the inevitable surgery. My feeling is, we'll never know whether or not it would have worked if we dont try it. Also, even if he does eventually need the surgery, it cant hurt to have the extra support the brace will give the knee as he is recuperating. I find it interesting, since in human medicine they regularly try less invasive supportive therapies before moving to surgery, yet in vet medicine they seem to want to go straight to surgery. Guess part of that could be that the insurance companies make MD's try other things before agreeing to pay for a surgery.
Anyway, I am crossing all fingers and toes that this works for my guy.