Thunder Wrap


New member
Ok, I'm now the proud owner of a thunder wrap. I've tried everything else from drugs to loud music and closing blinds, and nothing helps poor Maddie, who's 9 1/2 and scared of storms, terrified of fireworks.
Cross you fingers that this will help her get through this weekend.
I'd like to know if it works for future reference. Never know if our next Newf will be afraid of storms or fireworks. Hope to see you this weekend!


New member
I had never ever heard of this before last night my best friend ordered one for her dog and yesterday she used it for the 1st time and she said it worked PERFECT!!!!!! Her dog isnt a newfy just a mixed breed dog and when the storms hit she reacts horrible she paces non stop, crying, and usually has accidents on the floor well last night when the storm hit she never even woke up and we had some LOUD storms last night


Active member
I have a Thundershirt for Sue. I used it for the first time last night (Canada Day) and she was so much more relaxed. I had the windows open (we could hear the fireworks in town) and Sue just lazed around the house. She let out the odd "boof" when a particularly loud firework went off, but that is nothing in comparison to what she is usually like. I took the Thundershirt off too soon and she immediately started barking/pacing when she heard another set of fireworks set off. Seems to work for my girl.


New member
Oh I hope it works for your Maddie! Keep us posted! I'm sure plenty of us would love to know; myself included. I'm a little worried about Mila getting too freaked out this weekend while in confinement...


Active member
Interesting. Doesn't it make the dog hotter, though? I know it hit 99 degrees here today, and just ahead of a thunderstorm I stepped outside to let the dogs go potty, and the thunder BOOMED and Ben freaked out and ran back in. There was no way I could get one of those on him, I don't think! Plus it was so hot. You all will have to provide testimonials! :)


New member
Here's my tesimonial for the thunder shirt, it's going back on Tuesday.
It's going to be a long weekend for poor Maddie.


New member
I have one for Sydney. She's wearing it as I type this. Its about the fourth time she has worn it, and it seems to be helping. I've heard some people have immediate results and others it seems to take awhile. Tonight she's gone from being scared and trying to find a spot to hide out to laying on the floor next to me. She's calming down slowly. I just looked over at her and she is laying upright and her eyes are starting to close. I should have got it on her before all the noise started. Will have to remember that for the rest of this noisy weekend.

I'm hoping it continues to help her because Leo is picking up on her fear. He sees her run when there's a loud noise so he figures he should too. I might have to get him one too!


New member
I'm going to put it on again tonight and see if it helps. To top off my least favorite weekend of the year, the air went out and I have to open the windows.


New member
Waiting for the landlord to come over and check the air. I couldn't even try to put the shirt on Maddie last night without the air on. We're melting already and it's only 9:30 am.
If he can't get it fixed today, I'm going to have to try and board them somewhere. They can't stay in the house without air and the fans only blow around the hot air.