The hated phone!


Active member
Well, my Rosie never disappoints! Her latest? She hates me talking on the phone. She is worse than Lucy ever was. She barks, nudges my hand, makes her funny noise and basically carries on, as if it is the enemy. It makes me laugh so hard, she absolutely can't stand it!:D

Tonight, Lucy was talking on the phone. I should have known, as there was a terrible racket going on upstairs. Lu came into the kitchen and hung up the phone. Rosie was on the couch not 2 seconds later, snatching up the phone & hurriedly shoved it under the blanket with her nose, pushing and arranging and covering it up. Then she laid down on it. :shocker:
I am still laughing about the whole thing. What is her deal with the phone? :)

R Taft

Active member
:lol: :lol: :lol: get the person on the other end to talk to them, it can be so funny :lol:


New member
LOL...we have an extent of it.. not as bad though..

If I try to get on the phone the 2 legged and 4 legged seem to go from being perfectly occupied to I need everything NOW.

Sadie nudges the arm or comes over and will lay her head on my lap. Sometimes I go in my office and close the door. She has never taken the phone. Mine are portables. Just a thought... I wonder if the frequency may bother them or a pitch of the voice through it. Come to think of it... Sadie only does it on my portables in the house.. she does not do it on my cell.


New member
Well then, you must listen to her, when she is in the room with you, no phone calls please!!


New member
That's so's a Newf Lu goes nutz when I'm saying goodbye on the phone. I didn't realize it but it appears that I sign off with "OK, I'll talk with you later", as soon as I say "OK" the wiggling and woofing begins...she's eavesdropping on my conversations!


New member
That's so cute - my Cookie freaked out when the cordless phone was used. I think she wasn't too keen on hearing a voice through that thing and not seeing who belonged to the voice! :D


New member
Ours don't like to listen to it but they don't go to Rosie's lengths. How funny but what intelligence to realize that putting it under something and then lying on top of it will help prevent its function.


New member
Just this morning my son called from college and from out of nowhere Hagrid starts moaning, like something is really wrong, so I give my attention to him and check him out everything seems fine, then I go back to talking with my son and the moaning starts again, with a very loud howl to finish. I yell at him to be quiet and he falls to the ground grunting. I read your thread and start to laugh out loud. I can ignor him all day but if the phone rings, I now go outside. LOL Lily