Thanks for saving us money!

Joan Fisher

New member
Tiika has had some swelling on her knee, so the Vet prescribed Rheumocam (Meloxicam) which cost us $156.78, and theoretically should give us 27 daily 5.5mg doses. Although it feels like not more than 1 or 2 doses are left after 22 days. In the meantime, I came to NewfNet, looked up threads and found that many of you give the human meloxicam. I checked with Costco pharmacy, and for 30 7.5mg tabs, of which Tiika would need 3/4 of a tab, it cost $10.23. The actual drug was only $4.69, the rest was dispensing fee and tax. So we saw the vet for a follow-up yesterday. Tiika is much better but he wanted her to continue on the Meloxican, so I asked for a Rx. It cost me $12.00 for the Rx writing fee, but I still saved $134.55. Thank you Newf Net!!!


Active member
The pharmaceutical industry amazes me. For example if I need anti-anxiety meds, I get a small dosage for 30 days, and of course must see the doctor for refills. If Ben has anxiety the vet writes a prescription for a mega-dose, 60 tablets, 2 refills - - and I fill it at my pharmacy. Same exact medication. :shocker:


Active member
I'm glad that my vet is nice enough to routinely write prescriptions for meds. I just take it to the drug store afterwards...


New member
Had the same thing Medicine for a dog $287.99, exact same med for a peeple: $14.50!

As Mr. Rodgers would say: Children can we say Rip-Off!


New member
Yay! If you need it long term ask the vet to prescribe cost for 60 is about $2 more than the cost for 30 at Costco.


New member
I used to get Maneen's heart meds filled at the local pharmacy too. $8.00 Live and learn. I get my heartguard and tick meds on line too...same Rx's, much less expensive.


New member
wow....I used to work for a pharmaceutical company and you wouldn't believe how cheep some of the drugs really are !!!


New member
Individual drug is cheap but research and development is where the costs are hidden. We use Walmart for our dogs meds.

mrs big dogs

New member
I work in a pharmacy and if you call someplace like Walmart and ask the price and if it cheaper which it usually is at your pharmacy they will price match, there is no reason whats so ever that you would have to pay $287 for the dog and $14.50 for the people if its the same med and strength and count