Sunshine ill


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Too many posts in this section the past few days. Hoping along with everyone else this is just a tummy ache.


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Sunny is spent the night at DL again. I saw her yesterday afternoon. She seemed extremely doped up, none of her usual greetings. However, she stuck her head in my lap & closed her eyes. They said she was much stronger in the hind end in the afternoon than she was in the am. They called one of her specialty vets & he thinks she is having problems with the antibiotic Cefpodoximie, which she was on for a staph infection. Her heart rate was normal, No signs of nausea or vomiting. I opted to leave her for another night as they wanted to get her on oral meds and try & get her to eat-make sure she could keep her food down, before coming home. I am waiting for the call this am that says she can come home. We have stopped her antibiotics and will reintroduce something different if it is still needed in a week. I am hoping she is even stronger today. I know she won't walk on their floors as they are so slick but believe once we are on what she considers safer ground, she will walk unassisted. Thank you all so much for your prayers and good wishes. It is so comforting to be able to come here and know you all get how very much she means to me. I will update as soon as I hear something today.


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I've been watching for an update. Hoping Sunshine feels much better today and can come home where she belongs.


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I'm glad it sounds like they've found the culprit! It is absolutely awful to have to go to see your baby like that at the vets office. I hated it. I know how frightening it must be for you. Even though she's sedated, I know it brings her huge comfort to see and smell you. Hoping for really good news today. I've been thinking about you and your poor girl.


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Sunny came home last night. She is not "herself", no tail wag, no woo woo, a few licks & small grins. Her walking is much better at 4 am this am but still won't potty. I walked outside with her but she would not pee. She did potty last night but I had to help her get up from her peeing stance. She was alert about her dinner, stood to eat it and gobbled it up.

I am concerned about her mobility. She was unable to support herself on Monday at Dove Lewis. She was improved that pm. yesterday am she was even better, getting up all on her own and going potty. She seemed exhausted by coming home, was not moving well. I supported her with the sling. Later that night, much better movement. Still needs some help up. I have always said that when she could not move on her own, that it would be time. I'm so scared and worried. A part of me feels she is looking at me & saying I'm tired. How do I know?


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Tricia, whenever an elderly person is hospitalized s/he loses a great deal of mobility. Just laying without getting up and moving around, changing position, puttering around makes an elder's mobility atrophy. It takes a couple weeks after coming home to build back up.


New member
Sorry Sunny if feeling ill. I don't blame you for being scared and worried. Give her a few days rest and hopefully things will get better. If not, she'll let you know.
My husband thinks I'm crazy for this, but I'll tell you anyway. My first newf had orthopedic problems and was on pain meds the last year of his life. Early in the day on the last day he was with us I "felt" him saying he had had enough. By the end of the day he was paralyzed. The vet came to the house and offered to try to do something, but I knew he didn't want that and let him go.


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I'm glad to hear Sunny is home. Just like people, I think, it takes a little while to feel completely better after you've been sick. Chance had several times when, for a while, I had to help him get up. As long as she's eating, drinking, going to the bathroom (even with help) and seems happy, I would just give her some time to fully recuperate. It's so hard as they get older, watching them change. The stress on you, like Jen said, is rough. But we get through it and help them because we love them so much. Big hugs coming to you and Sunny.


New member
From what you described it sounds like her mobility is a little better each day. It just sounds like she is weak but healing.

It's obvious how much you love Sunshine. Your heart will tell you when it is time and you won't be asking yourself how you will know. You will just know. Trust yourself.

:hugs: and I hope Sunshine is better every day.


New member
I know how difficult this is, what meds is she on? Anything? That could be part of the problem? I basically had to lift Boj up to get him outside to go to the bathroom when he came home from his surgery, until all the meds he had been on wore off. They also had this problem while he was there. He didn't want to move at all, and it took three of them to lift him, and get him outside. I'm hoping this is the same problem for your girl.


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She was on Dilaudid but now is on 3 Tramadol, 3x a day. She is much better as I type this. Actually greeted me with the first woo woo I have heard since Saturday. She has insisted on going down the 4 deck stairs on her own. Is refusing to go out the front door which has no steps. She waits for me to stand by her when she goes back up. She is wobbly. Sits down abruptly after a few steps.
She is much better tonight. We just finished a long rub & stretch, she sounded like she was purring. She is asleep now and it is Rosie's turn. Rose is scared and unsure of what is going on. If she could sit on Sunny she would. I am exhausted from watching over her last night, but wouldn't have it any other way. Her rehab vet wants me to up her protein over the next few days as we transition her back onto kibble.

I am so grateful for all of you. I don't know how I would have gotten through this without my Newf friends. We are all feeling blessed tonight :heart: