Strange Bird...


New member
Heard a commotion at the bird feeder tonight. Can anyone tell me what type of bird this is?? Thanks :icon_stupid:



New member
We think this is a 2 year old female who visited last year. She looks to be about 250lbs. It was difficult to not want to snuggle with her. She layed on the ground pawing the feeder like one of our dogs would a big bone.

Now the question is do I put the bird feeders back up and hope she won't return to eat all the seed OR do I put them back up and call them Bear feeders :)


New member
It's a Newf with a good trim and a muddy nose.

I'd be afraid my bird feeders would get mangled, so I'd put out some corn on the cob or some melons, but they say not to feed the bears or they'll become repeat aggressive visitors like raccoons. Hard to resist. Would be fun to put out toast laden with honey and watch the happiness.

Bears are hungry critters.


New member
It's a Newf with a good trim and a muddy nose.

I'd be afraid my bird feeders would get mangled, so I'd put out some corn on the cob or some melons, but they say not to feed the bears or they'll become repeat aggressive visitors like raccoons. Hard to resist. Would be fun to put out toast laden with honey and watch the happiness.

Bears are hungry critters.
We were so tempted to toss a few apples and other goodies to her. Two years ago we had a huge male 450lbs push in our mudroom door to get a bucket of seed. He sat contently on our deck gorging himself! Yep hard to resist for sure ~ :)


New member
Holy Moly 450 on your deck!

We just got a behemoth doggie door installed and are wondering what will come thru it, 29 bird stations around the yard, think it's too urban and fenced around here for a black bear but who knows.

I was so hoping Orka would want to play with a bear but instead there was mutual terror loathing and fear between him and the black bears at the zoo -- only reaction like that to any other animal, ferocious growling and trembling.

How have your dogs reacted to the bears ???


New member
Berners are pretty confident in their work as a rule. If they sense a reason to alert us they'll let out a couple barks then done. Confident that they did a good job letting us know a bear is present they typically just go lay down some where. Now our Shi-tzu/Maltese he has chased bears and other large animals. Fortunately for him none turned on him...

Last night all the dogs knew the bear was here before we humans knew. They got very anxious and vocal (not barking) but rather whinny in a "something is not right" way. Since the bears are fairly regular the big ones did their work and went back to sleep. Bailey on the other hand was worked up for an hour and a half while the bear was here. Gotta Love em...


New member
urban and fenced are not bear deterrants...We've had them in the residential the yard next door, and in my daughter's driveway...I don't want my dog playing with them...look at the length of their claws and teeth! And consider their strength!


New member
Ever since black bears were found and caught wandering at 2 schools where we frequently walk, I have dressed Orka in bright "I am NOT a Bear" vests with flashing lights.

Still, ppl are constantly shrieking that he's a bear.

Amazing that your Berners are able to relax after alerting you.


New member
Leska from the research we did before getting our Berners this trait, being confident, is a characteristic of the breed. Of course, from training, we can put them in warning mode to scare any intruder away. Living way out in the woods we have not really had to do this.

People always think our BMD's are newfie mixes one guy even began telling me how to care for and the history of St Bernards because my dogs were St's...I just smile...


New member
Haha! That's a great pic!

We have bears around here but I've never seen one. I have, however, had a few people out on the wooded trails come around the corner and get startled by Maggie. It's funny to watch them process what they are seeing while deciding whether or not to run!


New member
And I though it was exciting having hawks, snakes and coyotes come to our bird feeders! I'd take the feeders in for a week or so to discourage the bears from coming back. Who needs to have your dogs, house, yourself, etc. ripped up by a bear.