Solly update: An answer


New member
Solomon update:

First off.. thank you everyone who has helped with suggestions for Solly (our rescue boy) since he came home in April. You don't know how much it has helped and has been appriciated.

The vet called this morning.. his culture came back. We finally have a reason for his skin issues. He has a MRSA.. Staphylococcus intermedius. They said it's a normal bacteria on the skin of dogs, he just has a resistant strain. We are to keep him on pred, stop the cephalexin, and I have to run down to get Baytril for a 4-6 week course.

He has been taken down to the vet as soon as his skin looked like it was going to break open, so he has not really had any any "open" wounds since he came here.

They feel Sadie should be OK. She has not shown any form of skin issues at this time. As a precaution, I am to bath her a few times with a chlohexiderm based shampoo. Per the vet, they feel she should be OK to goto her training and continue with therapy work.

I have always washed my hands well after scratching him and have cloroxed the grooming tools after grooming him. So, hopefully all will be good. After the full dose of antibiotics, he will be recultured to make sure he is clear before he goes into training.


Active member
Wow, I wouldn't have thought that, but it sure makes sense. I'm so very glad that you've found an answer for Solomon, he such a sweet boy. Here's to fixing the issue and making life for him what it's supposed to be!


Active member
I'm glad he's doing better. Just continue to be vigilent on washing your hands after petting him, esp if you have any type of scratch or cut. I don't know much about canine to human transmission, but I do know a lot about MRSA from working in a hospital.


New member
Well, not that I'm glad he has MRSA, but I am glad that you have a diagnosis and can move forward with treatment. Hopefully in no time at all, you'll be fully past this chapter in Solly's life :)


New member
Glad to see you have an answer! Now the issue can be clear up and you all cna get on with having Newf Fun!


New member
Different precautions

When Chance was younger I used to bath him often for therapy visits and found that at that time he developed a lot of skin problems. We ran the gammet from food allergies to bacteria and fungus. Changed his food to non grains, but he still had the problem.

I found the problem stopped when I continued drying him when he got home from the groomer. Apparently she did not dry him through to the skin which lead to moist dermatitis (hot spots) then that lead to bacterial infections from the chewing and scratching. Once I began drying him for an extra hour after he came home he was fine. So I am not sure if the moist skin left the open window but all dogs seem to carry this bacteria , chewing an area would make it worse


New member
Poor Solly. He just can't seem to catch a break lately. I'm sure this will do the job so he can have better days ahead.

R Taft

Active member
Poor baby..........In Summer time ( I know a while away) get him outside in the sun. that is our way of treating MRSA at the Hospitals here...many patients are now out in their beds in the court-yard. They also have the Anti-b's, but the sunshine is considered to be helpful too.
And Yes to the complete drying when they do have issue...that is why our dryer climate is so good (and plenty of sunshine) we have less skin issues
Well wishes to get over it all :)