Sedalia, Missouri...


New member
This handler lost 10 dogs in a similar incident 5 years ago, and now this? Utterly ridiculous. This man should never have the opportunity to enter an AKC ring again. Ever. His skill or success be damned, this ought never have happened. If Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, that's what his appalling and reckless negligence is. Insanity. Signing now.
Just read about this incident in 2006 - unbelievable! Plus, I don't know if it's true, but many are reporting that he had been having trouble with his generator and still chose to leave the dogs entrusted to him in that potential oven! No longer am I giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. He needs to be charged with abuse and neglect as Susan said and the AKC needs to see to it that he never handles again. Sickening. I, too, am signing the petition...


New member
This is a bunch of c**p!! No one should leave a dog or a child in a vehicle unattended..This has been preached to us for years so there are no excuses!


Active member
Bumping this up.

Looks like one of the owners is taking some action. These online petitions rarely do any good, fwiw, but it won't hurt to add your name if you want.

Facebook - Justice for Flash
There are over 500 signatures now (see first link above). Many from our own community, as well as AKC judges, delagates, and handlers.


New member
I've been sending the petition link to everyone I know. Whether the petition does any good or not, it at least supports the owner of Flash, just as our condolences do here when some beloved pet crosses the Bridge.


Active member
Also, if you only clicked "like" on the Justice for Flash FB page, please go to the petition site as well. They are striving for a goal of 1000 signers, but I bet the Newf community can top that.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Sadly, checking around at a show recently, this has happened to a number of handlers more than once. This case has gotten more internet publicity though, so hopefully it will bring some recourse and consequences otherwise it will keep happening.


Active member
And at least one has gotten life suspension from AKC and a conviction. It is sad and it needs to stop. Don't know what he charges for handling, but I'll bet he makes enough to get his A/C fixed.


New member
The goal of 1000 signatures has been exceeded. It's been depressing, in mentioning this incident to people, to learn of other incidents; that this is by no means an isolated incident. I saddens me for the lives lost, but also because it really gives fuel to the cause of animal rights activists as well as the many dog people who question the whole show thing. One friend said to me that she went to the petition site & signed but in return never again wanted to have a conversation with me about dog shows.


Active member
Wow Marlis, that is sad. I can see why it puts dog shows in a bad light, but its not the dog shows at fault; it's people. Sort of like "guns don't kill, people do."

Here in KC (not far from Buckner where this tragedy took place) we have had several news stories about ordinary dog owners either leaving their dogs in cars or leaving them outside in this heat. Every day the news channels stress how important it is to bring your dog inside. And still, people do it every day. I think many of them just don't understand how fast this can happen. Those "few minutes to run in and get milk" turn into a death trap for the poor dog.

One story was about an owner who let her three little dogs out after dark to potty, thinking that was safe. The dogs weren't out terribly long, when the owner called them to come in. One dog didn't show up. It was found dead of heatstroke. Perhaps the dog was old or had other contributing medical problems, but the cause of death was still heatstroke.

I'm sorry you're friend has such a narrow view and I hope she will come to realize that you can't blame an event, especially when this is happening in every community that is experiencing this heat wave.
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Super Moderator
It's not just dog people, here the other day the police rescued a 3 yr old girl who the mother had left in the car with little air. The temperature inside was 34C. Fortunately bystanders notified the police and she was OK.


New member
Marlis...tell your friend that MANY people don't put their dogs out with handlers. They show themselves or meet the handler ringside,,,,never letting their dog away from them.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
. One friend said to me that she went to the petition site & signed but in return never again wanted to have a conversation with me about dog shows.
Wow, how sad your friend is so misinformed to confuse showing dogs to irresponsible people. I have been showing my dogs for years and I take them to the show, meet the handler at the ring, then drive home with my dogs. There are irresponsible people in all walks of life.


New member
After he came to live with me, I had Volare shown here to complete his Canadian CH. My friend, who, like a lot of pet people is skeptical of the "show" aspect of owning dogs, came to every show to support us. Volare got turned over to the handler at ringside. We almost always had to stay for the duration of the show as he would be in the BIS ring (little brag :D ). When he was given the final "fluffing" by the handler before going into the ring, I always kept an eye on him to ensure he wasn't left unattended on the grooming table. He never spent hours in his crate, never pooped or peed in the ring because he hadn't been taken out when he needed to be. And when he needed a rest, we went out to the stationwagon & he napped while I read.

In this situation we've been discussing here, it's clear that the welfare of the dogs was secondary to the pursuit of points. And while the handler is responsible for what happened, does a dog's owner completely abdicate responsibility for their dogs when placed with a handler? Does the owner not keep track of what shows the dog is entered in? And wouldn't an owner call the handler & say "look, we're in the middle of a heat wave - leave the dogs at home; something could happen. Never mind the entry fee".

It's hot here today - going to hit 90. I'm going to hose the dogs off instead of taking them to a friend who lives on a lake. She's 20 min. away & what if I had car trouble?? And yes, I am being paranoid...

And in remembrance of Cody & the other dogs who died, I'm sending a cheque to Newf Friends Rescue...