Safe weight gain?


New member
When we rescued our River April 17th, she weighed 98 lbs (according to my Vet's scale). I just took her in this morning and she is up to 106.4lbs. So, 8 lbs in 2 months, is this a good rate of weight gain? I didn't talk to my vet I just popped in with her to use their scale. Having had surgery on both kness I will certainly keep her on the slim slide but even now she is still kind of boney (although not as much as she was). I was thinking if I gained 8lbs in 2 months that would be too quick, but I'm not underweight. Any thoughts?.....

By the way, she is a totally awesome Newf - so thankful she's ours!



New member
No idea on rate of gain, but Zu also has bad knees and as a result is really really bony in her behind! We're working with a PT in the water with her to get her some muscle mass back there. Since her knees are painful she simply puts more on her front end than on her back (which in turn aggravates the elbows, ugh....).

Good luck, I have loved Miss River since she first came into Newf Friends as her photos looked so, so much like Zu (and she has the bad knees too!).


New member
I'm not sure, but if you think about it...its a pound a week. I don't think that's bad, but I really don't know either. If she keeps gaining like this, then I would be worried.


Active member
Sounds ok for a weight gain,slow and consistent though if you apply the rib test at times it will give you an idea in later life


New member
I have nothing to say except that I love River too... Her and I were in a traffic jam during transport... And I will always remember that dear patient face in my rear view mirror.. It has brought me so much delight that I visited with her forever Mom.Dad and Brother and that she landed in paradise..


New member
I wouldn't worry about it.

If it helps, Maggie was 104 when we got her. She was up to 115 in about 8 weeks, and settled in at 123 within another 3 months or so. (Until her thyroid got out of whack and she went up to 135!!). I'm happy to report she's back down to 120 after 3 months of meds. She's at a good weight now and moving well, even with all her ortho issues.


New member
Bi-weekly weigh-ins gave me the info. I needed to decide if I needed to adjust the food. The scale doesn't lie. After each weighing, I would write down his weight on the calender so I could monitor it over time. I thought I was feeding the proper amount, but the scale told me he was getting too many calories. After investigating, we realized we were feeding the proper amount, but he was sneaking the lid off the dry food and helping himself when we weren't around. As to the lid on the floor...everyone just assumed someone else did it so we'd just put the lid back on. The scale told me something just wasn't adding up.


New member
Bi-weekly weigh-ins gave me the info. I needed to decide if I needed to adjust the food. The scale doesn't lie. After each weighing, I would write down his weight on the calender so I could monitor it over time. I thought I was feeding the proper amount, but the scale told me he was getting too many calories. After investigating, we realized we were feeding the proper amount, but he was sneaking the lid off the dry food and helping himself when we weren't around. As to the lid on the floor...everyone just assumed someone else did it so we'd just put the lid back on. The scale told me something just wasn't adding up.


New member
Bi-weekly weigh-ins gave me the info. I needed to decide if I needed to adjust the food. The scale doesn't lie. After each weighing, I would write down his weight on the calender so I could monitor it over time. I thought I was feeding the proper amount, but the scale told me he was getting too many calories. After investigating, we realized we were feeding the proper amount, but he was sneaking the lid off the dry food and helping himself when we weren't around. As to the lid on the floor...everyone just assumed someone else did it so we'd just put the lid back on. The scale told me something just wasn't adding up.
Oh that's so sneaky, and so smart! Newfs are so smart,especially when it comes to food!

I do a homemade diet for River and I calculated everything to maintain a 120lbs Newf. My Vet felt that for her height, 130 lbs would probably be an ideal weight if she didn't have the double knee-issue, even fully repaired/healed, he felt that 120lbs would be better. When she hits between 110lbs - 115lbs we'll assess her again, see if that's good and I'll tweak her diet accordingly. While I want her gain weight I want it to be more muscle and not just fat. Its a tricky combo of exercise, and calories and therapy.
On we go...


New member
I do a homemade diet for River and I calculated everything to maintain a 120lbs Newf. My Vet felt that for her height, 130 lbs would probably be an ideal weight if she didn't have the double knee-issue, even fully repaired/healed, he felt that 120lbs would be better. When she hits between 110lbs - 115lbs we'll assess her again, see if that's good and I'll tweak her diet accordingly. While I want her gain weight I want it to be more muscle and not just fat. Its a tricky combo of exercise, and calories and therapy.
On we go...
The rescue's vet gave very clear instructions to River's foster mom to get weight off of her and to ensure it stayed off, she was far too heavy when she arrived and the weight loss was so important for her recovery. As River gains lean muscle mass from increased exercise and physio she will gain weight, but she should always be kept a tad underweight. My bet is once she reaches 115 lbs, with nice lean muscle, that will be a good weight.

R Taft

Active member
Sandra probably know the best for River...And she did have all those ortho issues.

Annabelle however gained 15 kg (+/- 30lbs in one month) She was so very thin when we got her and just gained and gained and stopped at about 100lbs....

River must think she is in heaven at your place :hugs: Ronnie