Rude Awakening


New member
6AM this morning we were awakened by Seven and Annie frantically running through the house barking and banging into furniture - Jumped out of bed, started running around the house with them trying to see what was happening .. Everything looked normal, but these 2 seemed obsessed with something. Finally managed to calm them down and then when everything was quiet - we heard it !! A bird was trapped in our wood stove chimney and was flopping and making all kids of noise . Few years ago we had converted the wood stove to propane stove but had left the stainless steel chimney intact . It runs from the living room ceiling where it is sealed up through the attic to the roof. This happens once or twice a year when the birds are nesting .. No problem getting him out, we just slip off the cover in the living room, open a window and that's it .. But that happened a few hours ago and Annie is till running around sniffing every corner of the house .. Time to seal off the top of the chimney ..


New member
we used to get a woodpecker in ours once a year. pow pow pow. so loud it sounded like gunshots. that was back in the ferocious yorkie days and they would just go balistic and continue for days just in case they came back...gotta love mother nature


New member
Welcome to all those who find being 'twin-ed at the hip,..with all the delights of the real world..simply 'fun and games'! I much prefer your around is a bat..once or twice a year. ina n HB n Kesa


New member
How funny!

Our girls started barking like maniacs this morning, too. We had moved an old wood lathe onto the driveway, in preparation for taking it to the dump. Evidently, Maggie spied it lurking out there by the cars, and didn't like the looks of it. Since she was so upset at it, the other two chimed in to make sure the offending piece of equipment knew they weren't putting up with stange items on the property. :lol:


New member
About 20 years ago we were awakened at 2 am by the sound of our german short-haired pointer racing around. When we got out of bed and turned on the lights we found a very frightened little flying squirrel cornered in our bathroom...sadly this little fellow didn't make it out of the house alive..after that we capped our chimney....


New member
We also had a squirrel incident many years ago when we had Bailey and Murphy. We have a patio door in the kitchen leading out on to the deck. The door was open one day and the 2 big boys were asleep on the kitchen floor. This little red squirrel came charging into the kitchen right past the dogs who quickly woke and took up the chase all over the house. In the midst of all that confusion, the little guy made it back to the door and disappeared into the back yard - but he was missing a tail. We later found it under the dining room table ..

R Taft

Active member
Tessa is obsessed with birds and she can catch sparrows (baby)..........She would have been beside herself if there was one in her house...