Rubber Bumper retrieving toys

Bella and Gabe

New member
I will never ever get another one. Gabe ate one up! It has been a very rough past couple of days for my guy. He's been in a lot of pain. Today they are starting to pass and xrays indicate they are making their way out of him.

Bumper toy: $20.00
Two trips to the Vet: $318.43
Owning my sweet Gabe: PRICELESS!

Please be cautious about tennis balls and bumper toys that are made of the same material as tennis balls (this was a KONG bumper). I never give my dogs tennis balls but I didn't dream that Gabe would eat the bumper.


New member
Orka ate the bottom out of his yesterday. The soft bumper is the only thing he wants now as a toy for going out to the playground. He leads me around by it, plays with the kids, loves tug, loves to prance with it and get the kids to chase him. I monitor him carefully but he finally managed to chew out the end -- fortunately spit out the orange plastic-rubber. Ain't gonna float no more!

Orka's jaws have gotten incredibly strong and he chomps everything.

We use Moo (non-stink) bully sticks to divert his jaws onto something good.

Bella and Gabe

New member
Yikes! Glad he's getting rid of the pieces himself.
ME TOO! When I took him to the vet this morning for xrays I had a bad feeling that he was going to have to have surgery. Fortunately the pieces are being to make their way "down the pike". Xrays aren't showing blockage at this point and I'm giving him a dog-type laxative to help lubricate the process. These aren't little pieces.

Gabe has always been destructive with toys and doesn't get to have them. THis was Noah's bumper because Noah and Paige love, love, love to retrieve. Gabe got the bumper unbeknownst to me. I found a small portion of it left on the floor and then the pain, nausea and cramping began for him.

It's been a very rough couple of days but he's going to be ok.


New member
I'm glad that he is going to be okay. We don't have many toys in our house because all of ours are destructive and we can't find anything that they will not tear up. :crazy:


New member
I'm glad he's going to be OK. It is amazing the stuff they manage to chew up and eat despite our best efforts.


New member
Ouch! hope it's not projectile bumper! Glad for no surgery. Here's hoping for a "smooth" outcome.


New member
Oh I'm so sorry! I hope he'll be okay.

We have a rubber eater here...Ellie Mae. She'll rip apart Jolly Balls and eat pieces. Drives us crazy. We have to let them play, and then pick up ALL rubber toys and put them away.

We only use the bumpers for water play/work, so we put those away after use.

And then we have Chance who will eat pieces of fabric. The others like to tear apart stuffies, etc. and he'll go around picking up the pieces (before I can get to them) and eat them. He got a partial blockage from a 2" piece of blanket the others had decided to tear up, early this year, but fortunately passed it.

These guys can really worry you can't they?


New member
Oh silly Gabe! Sulley has a cloth bumper. Remington I think...It is really heavy weaved canvass material around the 'dock' Styrofoam that floats.