Puppy prayers for Morris, please


New member
Morris has been sick with giardia but then he wasn't getting better, so we brought him back to the vet this morning. Turns out he has a rock in his intestines. He's in surgery right now and we're waiting to hear. He will be in the hospital for at least a few days. If the vet has time and he hasn't been under for too long, then we are going to do a pexy also. Please send positive energy and healing thoughts. Thank you.


New member
We have him in the car with us and we're taking him
to an emergency center to be watched over the weekend. Surgery and pexy are over and the rock was huge. I'll post a pic when I get home.


New member
We met a couple at the dog park that had had a Newf but he ate rocks; they could not supervise him 24/7 and after over $10,000 in intestinal surgeries they gave him to a retired couple with a big grassed yard who watch him like a hawk. They miss their boy very much and want to get another Newf but want a non-rock eating one. Guess the rock thing isn't as rare as I thought. Morris the weekend will fly by as you recover, rooting for you.


New member
Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers to Morris, and to you. Please keep us posted about his progress. I'm glad they figured out what the problem is.


Active member
My son's friend's dog (boxer) just had surgery this week to remove a rock. Do you think they play with them, flipping them in the air and catching them?

Anyway: prayers. You got 'em.


New member
You, Tom and Morris have been in my thoughts all morning. So glad the surgery went well and he is starting on the road to recovery. :hugs:


New member
Oh no, I'm so sorry! Are you bringing him to an E Center just so that he's watched 24/7? If so, that's a very good idea. Poor Morris, I can't believe it...

I've got the three of you in my thoughts...please keep us posted. :hugs: times infinity.


Super Moderator
Oh poor Morris, glad they got the rock out and sending him lots of hugs, and to get better soon.