Prayer please


Super Moderator
I am asking for prayers for my dad. He is 79 and is having trouble breathing. His lungs are swollen and infected. He has been on meds and last Monday he had a bronchial scope done to get biopsy and cultures. The cultures show nothing and they sent the biopsy on to IU for further testing. The dr thinks something he was exposed to many years ago while farming or working in a factory has just started to effect him. The doctors are stumped and cannot figure out what is going on. A number of doctors are involved with his care. Thursday he was admitted to the hospital with a hole in his lung caused by the scope. His lung was 15% collapsed at that time and it getting worse with each X-ray. Please pray for the IV steroids and meds to work. If not my dad may not be with us much longer. His breath is so bad he can hardly talk. He cannot walk to the bathroom. Please pray.


New member
You have my prayers. Sadly I have been asking for prayers too for my Mom. Keep us posted Jeannie.


Super Moderator
Thanks everyone. I just went to the hospital to visit. It is not looking good. The doctor said if the steroids don't work he has no idea what to do next. He is conferring with other doctors at the Mayo and Cleveland Clinics. Everyone is stumped. Today the doctor basically said there may be no hope. Please continue to pray.


Super Moderator
Thanks for the prayers. My dad is still in the hospital. He is on a high dose of pred and lasix. They are just treating the symptoms because they still don't know what is the cause. Not much more to report.