Piper learns "up"...from Gandy!!


New member
OH MY DOG!!!!!! ha ha ha Im laughing so hard my tummy hurts............that is tooooooooooooo tooooooooooooooooooo funny


New member
Oh, so I was wondering how my coffee table got so scratched...I must have left my monitor on with the Gandy-cam shots.


New member
There is one way out- no coffee table. Rhodeys broke our glass one years ago, we never replaced.

ours are all stone and cast iron......no wood etc.........not with this table dancing crew..........my mom was over to pick up the grandson.. of course Gigi and Gunther showed their selves:fce32f95: and hopped on the coffee table:heart:....she almost died and I laughed till I had tears in my eyes:crazy::crazy:.....she left in a huff.............OH WELL!!!!!!!!!:run:see ya!!!!
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