Our little bit of excitement and terror...


New member
Hey guys and gals......I am a bit calmer today, and we got water today, so showers felt really good!

When the storm started rolling in, we were on the porch watching it, and listening to the news on the TV. They warned that a tornado was on the ground in Fairview (about 15 miles west of us) and was headed our way. We continued to watch the skies, and I had the front door open, as I was stepping in to watch the news, then back out to watch the skies.

With the door open, all the yard dogs headed into the house and they were not going to be coaxed out! and we didn't force the issue.

At one point, I told Jim that the sky was a strange green grey color and that it was coming our way. (You can't mistake that color) Then the rain hit and for a moment the rain was flying from the west, then it started flying from the east. And it was flying sideways.

We were hollering at Keevin to get to the basement, and Jim was grabbing a few things as we headed down the stairs. I paused for a moment to look out the french doors at the back of the house. The tree just out those doors...well, the only way to describe it...the branches were wrapping around the trunk. They looked like string being wound up on a spool.

We and the dogs :: Daisy, Ewok, Molly, Monroe, Clover and Sokol all hit the basement at about the same time. We have a small room under the stairs that has a mattress in it, and we keep lanterns (battery charged lanterns) and stuff like that in this little room. Things were pretty cramped in there with us and all the dogs....but, we were safe, and luckily muffled from all the noise that was going on upstairs.

At one point it sounded like there was water hitting the interior wall in the basement....we did have a couple of small puddles when it was all over, but I'm not sure where it came from. We have not found where it got in at.

When it was over, we went outside to see the mess.

The other pasture dogs and the goats were at the very back corner of the place, furthest away from any damage, trees, or barns.
(When it was raining, they had all been in the barn, but Jim said that when it started really getting bad and we were going in the house, he saw Rico leading them all out of the barn and to the back of the place)

Now, our goats are a bunch of ninny's and act like they will melt if they get wet, so how he convinced those girls to leave that barn, I will never understand, but they did.

Had they been in the barn, some of them would probably have gotten killed by the roof debris from the shed that is in our corral. The storm ripped the metal roof from that shed and scattered it through the big barn and over into the neighbor's field.

I had had Sokol out to trim some matts from his tail and bottom, and the storm side tracked us all, so he was in the house with us during the big event.

On Sunday, we did get power back on finally. (I can't complain, those guys were out working all night long) Some friends showed up, and they did in 3 hours what it would have taken Jim and I a month to clean up. I was in tears and awe of them. We were still in shock when they showed up with their chainsaws and a skid loader and started moving trees and debris from our back yard.

And this morning a friend of a friend showed up and got our water back on for us. Showers and hot water never felt so good!

After the tornado left here, it bounced over a couple of houses, then went right down a valley where is did untold amounts of damage. Houses, trees, and trailer houses were destroyed. They finally got the road through that valley opened up all the way today.

When we first came out after the storm, Keevin and I went down to check on the lady that lives at the end of our lane. She is in her 70's and lives alone. We had to climb over downed trees to get down to her house. she was not home, as she had been to another town with her daughter. I am so glad, because it had flipped her propane tank and it was leaking.

The Army is going to let my oldest, Clay, come home for 19 days to help us get stuff cleaned up around here. So, there was something good out of this whole mess. I will at least get to see him for a little while.

We are all sore and tired, but feeling a little bit better today than were were 2 days ago!

Thank you to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. It is all very much appreciated.


New member
I am so glad to read your words, Robyn; and relieved that everyone is safe. I saw footage on TV and the damage is unbelievable in your neck of the woods. I have to say....Rico is one amazing dog!!! Thank God, your neighbor wasn't home.


Active member
So glad you are all safe and sound Robyn. Thank you for taking the time to let us know what has been going on. Love, Hugs and Best wishes. :hugs:


New member
It was pretty crazy for a bit that night, but we were really the lucky ones. One man was killed in town, and they say that there were over 200 in the area and surrounding area who were injured.

We have more storms coming in on Tuesday night, so it will probably be another long long night.


New member
Glad to see that everyone was safe and OK. I used to live in Mississippi and Tennessee so I've seen a couple, nothing to mess with.

Bob M

New member
Oh, My Lord... what an experience for all of you! I can only imagine how scary that must have been.

So glad that you came through okay. Sounds like you guys were well-prepared, took all the right steps, and kept your heads even in the thick of it. And how great that your friends were so helpful!
Thank you for taking the time to write! Your words brought tears to my eyes, and made my stomach feel like I swallowed a brick. I felt like I was there. The part about the rain changing direction and flying horizontally!! Things I forgot to notice, but now I'll never forget.

I'm so glad you are all safe. I feel the need to buy some battery opperated lanterns, and a radio, and just get our basement ready.


New member
They say that this will be a record year for tornados and destruction here...I believe it. It is so strange to watch the animals and how they react to things. But, you could also feel the pressure changing in the air etc.

And, there were people driving around right after taking pictures etc. That really upset Keevin. But, a local station has a website and they were telling people to look at the website photos instead of driving around getting in the way of the workers and rescue teams.

Our little cubby hole in the basement is great and I am glad that we did it the way we did. LIke I said, it is crowded, but we have stuff in there that we will need later, and we used it! I have also told our close friends that if the house was ever to get hit, that is the area that we would be in, in case we are unable to get out of the basement after a storm.
Put a little first aid kit in your area, and a jar of peanut butter or something. Blankets and things to make tourniquets out of.

I can't even describe the feeling of shock and disbelief.
It is terrifying and awe inspiring all at the same time.

And, my Rico is my hero. He amazes me every day, and I don't know what I would do without him.


New member
You and your familys passion for life and nurture..never shown more strongly..than in this journal of..to hell and back. I wept..at the point Rico led the ....Brethren..to shelter from the storm..and have not yet stopped. love..and..praise for all who understand the full import..of the community family..the saving grace..in an oftimes selfserving world. ina n HB


New member
My mom said they always had axes and pry bars down in their celler in Kansas..to help 'chip back up..and out'..if need be. ina n HB


New member
That is a great idea Ina...the axes. I think I will pick up a couple and store them in our little room.

My pickup was sitting not 1 foot from the shop, with the tailgate down. The storm shut the tailgate, left the truck where it was, and then just took the shop away.
The things that we see around here are just mind boggling. My humming bird feeders were all still hanging on the deck, but the trees that were all around the deck are gone. You just have to look and around and wonder how?

So many people have lost livestock, and we are so lucky that ours are all ok. When help got here right after the storm, they wanted to start cleaning up the yard and stuff, but we kept telling them no, we have to fix the fences. lol One guy asked us why the fence was so important and I told him, I have to keep all my dogs and goats in!


New member
Amazing...some aquaintances were both killed when thier double wide was hit a couple of years ago a few miles north. They could never find a trace of the materials of the double wide. She had been bottle feeding a litter of stray kittens. The only thing left was the foundation with the box of kittens sitting on it, unharmed. The inside dogs sleeping with them were killed. We took in a pretty aussie girl that was the outside dog. She is absolutely petrified and shakes at the sound of rolling thunder. Julie


New member
thanks for updating us robyn!! we are so glad your family and pets made it through fine!! everything else can be replaced!!

luvxl k 9

New member
I think a nice big juicy steak is in order for Rico!!! What a dog!! I can't imagine how terrifying everything must have been for all of you and I hope I never have to! I know you know it, but dang your guardian angels were definitely working overtime!!