Our Big Boy


New member
Hello from Washington State. Phoenix George, or "Georgie" as we call him, came into our lives this past June in a rather unexpected way. My husband and I were not even contemplating another dog, and had been without one for ten long years. Enter this very large, hairy, soulful eyed, best-boy-in-the-world.
Rather than wax on about how many hands he'd passed through until he came to us, (though these were all gentle hands and he was always well taken care of) we knew this would be his last stop.
We were suddenly dog people again, with a purebred. New territory for us, and so the Googling began.
Not only is he sweet and goofy, he is VERY strong and can be singled minded. We love him to pieces.
I am wondering though about his size. I read and see big Newfies but this guy is over 32 inches at the haunches and is getting up to the 145 lb. range. He just turned three a few weeks ago. I am concerned about joint health, he is not neutered yet and we were told this would help his joints, but he will be fixed very soon. We also have him on salmon oil for skin, coat, etc. Should I include anything else to his diet for joint/hip health? I read so many contradictions about this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwiqgHT3D7k


Welcome! Loved the video of howling Georgie! What a handsome guy! (I confess I recognized the newf video you were watching - Harry up in Alaska barking at a large moose!) No advice - just wanted to say hello and welcome! More pictures and/or videos please!


When we got our pup almost 10 years ago, the breeder made us promise to give a joint supplement immediately and to continue it. We gave her different brands over the years, the last being Dasuquin with MSM. It won't guarantee your dog won't have joint problems, but I'd rather give it instead of wondering if I should have in a few years.


Super Moderator
Hi from B.C. I give 2 of my guys Glucosamine, one has Glycoflex and the old lady Gracie has Microlactin.
Where are you in Washington?


Active member
Oh dear Dog....what a beautiful voice he has....maybe he should join choir??? Haha, Welcome from Newf Jersey :)

MC Sullivan

New member
Welcome from upstate NY. We adopted our 4 year old Monty at the end of this past September and are newfie newbies too. Monty has not howled but groans, like your boy, when he wants to go out, wants treats, or sometimes when his dad leaves for work in the morning. Its pretty funny.


New member
Our oldest newf is 7 and has had bad hips from day 1 :( He is about 165lbs, so he's a hefty fella too! We feed him 2 Fish Oil and one Glucosamine every night and sometimes an aspirin if he is limping throughout the day (cold weather usually brings this on). The fish oil really seems to help and its really cheap, it seems to be the best remedy so far. A while back we tried a store brand hip and joint health pill and as soon as we started giving it to him he didn't want get up to do anything, I don't know if it hurt his tummy or if his hips were bothering him, but he didn't eat for a week! Ever since, we have stuck with what we know.

We also have a 5 month old that we have started giving it to as well, just to protect his hips and keep his coat nice and shiny!! We have to sneak it in a piece of cheese for them to eat it though... the stinkers will pick the pills out of their food bowl if we try to just do it that way.. Hope this helps!!

By the way, you have a very handsome boy :) That video is too funny..