OC GTC Head Count!


New member
Suse, I wanted to let you know that we won't be coming after all. Ben has injured his knee (we think partial tear) and is on crate rest. On top of that Paul's mom fell and injured herself. I was really looking forward to this, and I hope you all have a great time. Please post pictures.

Oh, Heidi, not Ben, too? I'm sorry you can't make it, but more sorry Ben has to join the club. I hope the rest does the trick.


New member
Dawn, NJ is NOT that far away, though I know you have a total hatred for long distance driving.

Bring Ashton for a visit! (And Maggie, of course).

Suse, you'd be welcome too!

Now THAT is something I'd love!!!! Name the date :D


New member
Dawn, NJ is NOT that far away, though I know you have a total hatred for long distance driving.

Bring Ashton for a visit! (And Maggie, of course).

Suse, you'd be welcome too!

Ha! Nessa, it's not a hatred so much as a fear of getting lost! Getting lost in Canada scared the beejezus out of me. Remind me to tell you how I tried to go to my cousins in Phoenixville Pa, and ended up almost going though the Holland Tunnel. Three times. And ended up in Hillside, NJ-which I think is actually Ct. :shocker:

But I'm ok with getting lost in my own country.


New member
Will be leaving early Saturday to check in for Saturday nite, our friends will also be coming with their newf Rollins (Merlins blood relative from the same breeder. They live in the same town as we do but do not belong to NN.Bringing all 3 dogs, have to decide on what dish to bring, maybe chicken parm & some kind of dip with chips? Let me know if this is ok, our friends are also bringing something.


New member
Will be leaving early Saturday to check in for Saturday nite, our friends will also be coming with their newf Rollins (Merlins blood relative from the same breeder. They live in the same town as we do but do not belong to NN.Bringing all 3 dogs, have to decide on what dish to bring, maybe chicken parm & some kind of dip with chips? Let me know if this is ok, our friends are also bringing something.
YAY! Glad you're coming! I'll take you off the "maybe" list then! LOL

Are they staying with you? Or did they get a separate room? And, do you have your room number? (You can PM me)


New member
LOL...I have NO idea about head count.

I know room count...which is 11. That's more than last year.

I think everyone except me has 2 people, minimum. Donna H has 4. A few have 3.

I missed people and I'm up to 24. I suspect it's around 30ish?
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