NN Hyperthyroid diet for cat


New member

My friend's cat, Murphy, was recently diagnosed as being hyperthyroid. Murphy is now on the Science Diet prescription food, however my friend would rather feed him something better quality. Does anyone have any experience with this? She is willing to make his food but isn't finding much information online.

Thanks in advance for any help.


New member
Has she had the cat scanned for tumors to rule that out as a cause of the hyperthyroidism? Is the cat on anti-thyroid meds or is she planning on having a thyroidectomy performed? Radioactive iodine treatment maybe?

Depending on the age of the cat, I would focus less on diet (though if the cat's experiencing weight loss, I would for the time being, get him/her on a high protein/calorie dense food) and more on medicating and then surgery or RAI. Sure, the cat might or will become hypothyroid (depending on whether or not it needs a partial or total thyroidectomy), but hypo is typically easier to manage than hyper.

If she's not going to put the cat on anti-thyroid meds or do the surgery or RAI treatment, she should get the cat off of the SD and get him onto what I described above; a high protein/calorie dense food. And have her bloodwork monitored FREQUENTLY!
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Active member
my mums cat was fed salmon,mackerel and chicken for the last years of his life.he was on 15mg daily meds and did extremly well on his diet.

he never liked cat biscuits but loved dog biscuits especially when l sent her a load of Orijen samples up.he loved the fish one and the red one.
as mum said he was stable and he could eat what he damn well wanted to so long as he ate and was stable.he has only recently passed on and was always happy and contented and lived to nearly 18


New member
Has she had the cat scanned for tumors to rule that out as a cause of the hyperthyroidism? Is the cat on anti-thyroid meds or is she planning on having a thyroidectomy performed? Radioactive iodine treatment maybe?

Depending on the age of the cat, I would focus less on diet (though if the cat's experiencing weight loss, I would for the time being, get him/her on a high protein/calorie dense food) and more on medicating and then surgery or RAI. Sure, the cat might or will become hypothyroid (depending on whether or not it needs a partial or total thyroidectomy), but hypo is typically easier to manage than hyper.

If she's not going to put the cat on anti-thyroid meds or do the surgery or RAI treatment, she should get the cat off of the SD and get him onto what I described above; a high protein/calorie dense food. And have her bloodwork monitored FREQUENTLY!

I don't think they've had any scans done, just bloodwork. Poor kitty was always hungry and still losing weight and his little heart was beating so fast she said. The vet mentioned a low iodine diet and prescribed the Science Diet for 8 - 12 weeks. I guess she thinks it's starting to help because Murphy now is coming to them for attention and sitting on their laps, where before he wouldn't. A lot of times she would find him sleeping in the bathtub. Now she realizes he was trying to keep cool. I believe Murphy is 6 - 8 years old, I will have to ask again.