New life


New member
It was final a few weeks ago. Now I have nothing, live in someones basement free who i dont even know, thankful for the kindness of strangers, unemployed, my career over for at least a year or two if I ever get back to it, living on 100.00 a week, not sure what to do, where to go, or how to get there.

Me - the loving, hardworking, home every night husband that deserved all of this. In the mean time, her boyfriend.... sleeping in my bed, in my house with my family, driving my car, eating my food, living in my house with no job.

I am 50 years old and have lost everything because she was hot for some young guy at work. Sick, very sick.

Missing my Indy


New member
That's brutal. I have a female friend in the same position right now for the same reason. You will be in my thoughts.


New member
That is horrible! You do NOT deserve that! Hang in there, in the end, we all reap what we sow, your life will get better and she'll get exactly what she deserves. You will be in our thoughts as well.


New member
Was your lawyer asleep? WTH?

Sending lots of good thoughts your way. Things will get day at a time.


New member
Ugh....I hate it that you had to go through that. I really do. It hardly seems fair that the good take the brunt of the bad. Good luck to you. Things will get better. Look forward not back. You'll get there. You have all of us to lean on when you need to.:hug:

R Taft

Active member
I am so sorry to hear that things are so rough for you at present. And that you miss Indy.
I hope that things will improve for you soon, take care...........Ronnie


Super Moderator
Sorry for the tough turn of events in your life. Hold your head up and be thankful for what you have. Continuing to dwell on what was is only letting her ruin your life even more.


New member
i am so sorry you are going through such a tough time , jeannie is right ,dwelling on what was lets her ruin your life even more . you have so many people here that truely care , thnk about all of us instead , i know i am too far away for it too happen , but if i were closer you could come and share my newf all the time , stay strong and safe,

Brinks' Mom

New member
At least you got your computer??

Just trying to put a little humor in a bad situation but you know.....this could be a blessing in disguise. With every exit there is an entrance to a whole new beginning. Focus on getting back your "old" career or start a new one. Slowly you'll be out of that "basement" and moving up. Use the thought of Indy to motivate you and may her and her "new" friend be covered in camel fleas and not be able to scratch!!!!


Active member
its not going to be easy but as one door closes another opens. look around who knows what avenues there are for you to explore now and you at least have the knowledge that Indy is safe with her breeder. Take a good look at yourself and try to do some of the things you always wanted to but never had the time to do . Dont feel sorry for yourself for too long as it is self destructive , get out there and explore


New member
You poor guy, I feel so bad you lost your dog (not your wife) she wasn't worth having in the first place. I hope things turn around for you soon. I agree, don't sit in that basement thinking about what you no longer have. It's springtime, time for a new begining, set some short term goals and and work on them everyday, pretty soon you will be on top again. I see a Newfie in your future, so see, you already have something to look forward to :)

DreamTime Newfs

New member
Oh no. I am so sorry that you are going through this. Try to find a way to be strong and fight your way out of this terrible situation. :(


New member
That is a real bummer. Evryone's right about looking forward of course, BUT we also know that is a lot easier said than done, especially when things are so fresh. When nasty things have happened to me I try (not always successfully) to set a "wallow" limit. That is, I allow myself to wallow in my misery for a specific time length, after which I try to kick myself in the butt and get up and doing. Some things take longer to get over and certain marital breakups can be amongst the longest.

Try and keep your chin up and come here whenever you need to.

And do keep believing in cosmic justice, what comes around goes around etc. She will get hers, here or later.


New member
This stinks. Your lawyer should be reported to the Illinois bar association (I think I saw you were in the Chicago area). While you're at it ask them about your rights and a new lawyer to help you out. They should be able to help you. Know that we are behind you. Things will get better. No rosy picture here. You are in a sh--hole, and you need to look around, see who can help you, and start climbing out. Living well is the best revenge, and she'll get hers one day. . .somehow.


New member
Oh low can one get.....but look at it this way..."Today is the first day of the rest of your life" and "there is a GOD" just watch and see... You just get out there and go for it.......and I am wondering about your lawyer too ??? As to your material posessions............does not seem right...


New member
I'm so sorry your going through this. Try not to let yourself get too down. Things will turn around for you and you will have your Indy back...