New camping pictures


New member
We were camping, picking blueberries and collecting fire wood then swimming.




New member
What fun you four seem to be having!!!!! I do believe the dogs were helping you gather wood, too.... I see a stick in someone's mouth!

thanks for posting the pics!


New member
Berrys, camping, swimming..and I imagine campfires at just really does not get any better than that. Beautiful..just beautiful. :) ina n HB n Kesa


New member
your guys are soooooooo cute!!! malcolm with his dignified look, Katie with her girly girl attitude and darby well we love him ,hes the man!!!! awesome pics Jayne!!!!

R Taft

Active member
They look like a fabulous four having fun.....:allg069:.....:allg069:.....:allg069:.....:allg069:


New member
They love camping! They know the routine too only we added picking blueberries! We got about 3 gallons of wild ones in the chop outs. Got wood and then Swimming!


New member
Did you actually pick 3 gallons, or 5? When I pick berries with the dogs, they sneak the berries out of the bucket just about as fast as I am putting them in!


New member
They don't really like the blueberries! Lucky for us. Darby kept spitting one out when I gave one to him. He'd take it and spit it out and pick it up and spit it out LOL Katie and Malcolm just sniffed them.


New member
You mean it stopped raining enough for you to go camping?? In this end of the state they we are practically at flood stage, and they've been warning people off the river..

AND, GUESS WHAT!!! More rain coming!!

in the soggy end of maine


New member
Yea Hannah this rain is getting really old. We were in Eustis and it wasn't that bad with the rain. Mostly it only rained during the night! We had sun and clouds during the days.